June 18th 2022 - Storms

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It's currently 10:25pm and there's a massive storm outside.

And it's so pretty.

I, unfortunately, can't see the rain because there's no lights for me to see.

But I can still hear it and it sounds beautiful. Then there's the thunder too. I absolutely love it.

And today the lightning is extra bright.

Is it weird that I'm not reacting to the lightning?

Cause people either flinch or their eyes just go to the lightning.

I'm just carrying on as if it didn't exist in the first place.

Another unfortunate thing is that I can see the rain from my dad's room because of the street lights outside.

I'm half considering moving to my dad's room, even though it's a box room (aka a small room compared to other rooms), for multiple reasons.

1: The bed is comfy. I love lying on there. If I stayed there I would never get up. I barely get up in my own bed. Imagine if I slept in my dad's bed.

2: Because it's so small, the desk is at the foot of the bed meaning I don't have to continuously get up and get my books. (I don't study at my desk. I find it easier to do it in bed because I can then see who's coming in my room and who's not since my back faces the door when I'm working on my desk)

3: My phone is a closer distant too so if I need to quickly look up somewhere I can. You'd be surprised how many things I've looked up in the middle of the night.


The rain has stopped slightly. And I changed my position to look out the window.

The thunder is still there though.


4: There are streetlights outside my dad's room so I can use those- ooh lightning is here too- to write in the dark.

I just realized.

My bedroom would always face the road and for the first time my bedroom faces the garden.

But the thing is.

I like my current bedroom as well.

They're complementary though.

My room's more darker and my dad's room is more lighter. The lightning almost blinded me but anyways. Our rooms are like day and night. You can see the sunrise from my dad's room and the moon from my room.

I'm not sure about you guys but I'm more of a night person.

I have/am Nyctophilia. I'm not sure how to use it so I wrote have and am. But everything looks so much more beautiful in the dark.

It's also comforting because you know it's just you. You and your secrets. Sitting in the dark isolates you from the rest of the world and can let you breathe while in the day, you can get claustrophobic with so many people around. But I know some people prefer the opposite. They prefer to be around other people plain because they can be a distraction and their thoughts won't be able to reach them.

I swear Zeus is having a really bad argument. There was legit lightning flashing for a good 6 seconds instead of like 2. I wonder what Poseidon has done that riled him up this time.

I'm not Greek by the way if you're questioning that. I've already mentioned, I come from Bangladesh.

But the rain stopped a while ago and that's disappointing. It went from rainstorm to thunderstorm within the space of 10 minutes.

Still lightning though. Oh well.

That's all I came to say.

Bye bye.

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