shopaholic | bang chan x reader

1.3K 16 10

PAIRING | bang chan x reader
IDOLS FEATURED | bang chan, hwang hyunjin (mentioned), lee minho (mentioned), lee felix (mentioned)
WC | 2.4k
GENRE | fluff, very slight angst
WARNINGS | explicit language, insecurity in a relationship
SYNOPSIS | chan has a long list of gifts he needs to buy for the kids, and you have an even longer list of possible gifts you could get for the man who already seems to have everything.

"So, how many stores are we planning to go to today?"

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"So, how many stores are we planning to go to today?"

"Several. We could be here all day if we can't find what we're looking for." You sigh and cling to your tired boyfriend's arm, nestling your head into his shoulder. He adjusts his gold, wire-rimmed glasses on his tall nose and squints at a wrinkled piece of paper, with several crossed out and messy scrawls written upon it.

"I think we might need a snack before we go on such a long, ambitious trip," you said, wiggling your eyebrows and pointing towards a kiosk selling roasted, sugared nuts. The scent was so enticing; it felt like it was drawing you in, and you felt as if buying a small paper cone full of those nuts wasn't just a request, but a necessary purchase.

Chan pressed a quick kiss to your cheek. "Darling, you know I would love nothing more than to buy you everything you want," he said sweetly, cupping your face in his gloved hands, "but I really need to finish up this last minute shopping. The kids need their presents under the tree."

"Oh, I know," you sigh, a little disappointed. You cast one last, longing look at the kiosk. But you plaster a large smile onto your face, linking your arm with his. "Let's get a move on, then! We've got a lot of shopping to do!"

Chan chuckles. "We only have to buy eight presents," he says, pulling the wrinkled piece of paper out again.

"Nine," you mutter under your breath, "if I'm lucky."

"What was that, darling?"

"Nothing." You smiled sweetly and Chan smiles back, taking you by the hand and guiding you to the nearest store. When he isn't looking, you pull out your own piece of paper, and quickly scan it. Number eighteen. A nice scented candle. You look back up as you reach the store and read the large sign outlined in cheesy, blinking Christmas lights. Kim's Candles.


"Minho said he was running out of candles..." Chan murmured to himself, busying himself with the pet-friendly section. You, on the other hand, slunk away to the seasonal section, eyeing a certain Christmas scented candle that you were sure he would love. You maneuvered around several very tall and impressive, yet possibly dangerous displays of candles to reach the Christmas section, and you quickly picked up the pine scented candle. The wax was a dark green, and upon uncapping it and taking a whiff, you were certain it would be a scent that he would love. Quickly glancing over to make sure he was still occupied, you walked up to the register and paid for it, happily hiding the paper-wrapped candle in your purse. "Let me just pay for this, and then we can go!" Chan said happily, walking past you with two candles in hand. You followed him merrily, but you spotted a very familiar scented candle in his hands. Dark green. Pine scented.

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