king candy | han x reader

407 7 0

PAIRING | han x reader
IDOLS FEATURED | han jisung
WC | 1.0k
GENRE | fluff
WARNINGS | marriage proposal
SYNOPSIS | you thought decorating a gingerbread house with your boyfriend would be a fun activity, but as always, jisung has to add his own dramatic spin to it.

It started when Jisung came home with a suspicious box

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It started when Jisung came home with a suspicious box. He refused to let you see it, insisting that you would love it when he did reveal it. It occupied a space on the floor in your kitchen, right by your refrigerator. Several times a day you would walk past it to get to the fridge, and you would squint at it, wanting nothing more than to rip off the plastic shopping bag covering it to see what the big deal was. But you resisted, and sulkily retreated.

When Jisung came home, you greeted him half-heartedly, mind still on the mystery box. "Are you distracted by something, baby?" he asked, pressing light kisses all over your face, making you scrunch your nose in adoration.

"The box you brought home," you murmured, "I've been wanting to know what's in it."

Jisung just chuckled as you subconsciously looked over to the kitchen again. "Impatient, aren't we? I hope it doesn't disappoint." He walked back over to the kitchen and picked up the package, setting it on the table. You immediately perked up and trotted over, curious but trying to hide it. He unwrapped the bag and pulled out a cardboard box. A perfectly decorated gingerbread house was on the cover.

You tilted your head to the side. "A gingerbread house?"

Jisung chuckled nervously. "Yeah, I've never done one before. I thought that maybe... maybe we could do it together? If you want?"

"Yeah, of course! I'd love to!" you exclaimed, pressing a kiss to his lips. He smiled into the kiss, resting his hands on your hips. "But why'd you make me wait all day to see it?" You pouted.

"I wanted it to be a surprise!" Jisung cooed, pinching your cheeks and making you whine in protest.

You playfully pinched his cheeks back until he let go of yours. "When are we going to make it?"

"Now?" Jisung's eyes were shining as he asked.

"How could I say no to that face?"

Jisung eagerly opened the box as he sat down, pulling out bags of candy and packets of frosting. You examined the candy that the house came with, realizing fairly quickly that there wasn't nearly enough candy to make the house look remotely like the one on the outside of the box. Putting the packet of gum drops down with distaste, you returned your attention to Jisung, who was already unwrapping the gingerbread part of the house. "It's going to look so good!" he gushed, fumbling around for a pair of scissors to cut the tip off the frosting bag.

You sealed your lips, not wanting to tell him about the lack of sufficient candy. "Mhm," you hummed, holding up a wall for Jisung so he could glue the two together. He bit his lip in concentration while he squeezed the thick white frosting onto the edges, cementing them together successfully, albeit a bit messily.

He was adorable; the way he was concentrating so hard on making it perfect. He cleaned up the messy edges carefully with his finger, licking the excess frosting off of his fingertips before shaking his bangs out of his face and furrowing his brow as he focused.

Surprisingly, the main structure turned out well. Jisung's intense concentration had paid off, and there were only a few uneven areas. "Baby, it looks so good!" he cheered, putting down the frosting bag and shaking out his stiff hands. "Do you want to put on the candy?"

"Let's do it together," you said, pushing the packets of candy towards him.

"Is this it? What a scam," Jisung muttered, ripping open the plastic. The two of you worked in silence for a bit, lining the roof with sprinkles and outlining the edges with gumdrops and peppermints. "At least it came with gingerbread people," he said solemnly, holding up the two gingerbread figures. "Can I decorate them?"

"Of course, babe. I'll finish the house." Jisung busied himself with the icing bag and few remaining sprinkles, covering his work on the ginger-people with his free hand. You smiled down at him, an endearing smile spread across your pretty face.

As you finished making fake icicles hanging from the eaves of the house, Jisung finally put the frosting aside and turned to look at you, bouncing up and down excitedly. "I finished them," he sang, "wanna see?"

"Dazzle me." Jisung's eyes brightened at your acceptance.

"It's us!" he said proudly, holding up the two cookies. One was indeed dressed just like you were, right from your hairstyle down to the polka-dotted fluffy socks on your feet. The other one sported a big smile and long, in-your-face bangs. It even had a chocolate chip mole on its cheek. He held out the you-cookie to you, and you took it, admiring it.

"It's so cute, Sungie," you cooed, "but what's this?" You tapped an oversized yellow sprinkle glued down onto the cookie's arm.

"It's supposed to be a ring," he said hesitantly.

"A ring?" You paused, the gears turning in your head until it clicked.

"Well, yeah... I just- I can't afford a real ring right now, but I thought that maybe the sentiment would make you smile..." he trailed off, eyes looking in every direction but towards you. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

Your heart pounded in your chest, and you were rendered speechless in the best way possible. "Oh, Sung," you sighed, setting your cookie aside and burying your face in his chest, breathing in his familiar scent. "You know I'd say yes no matter what."

"Even if I proposed with a ring pop?"

"Especially if you proposed with a ring pop." Jisung chuckled with relief, resting his chin on the top of your head.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

The two of you sat there, bathed in the warm yellow light of your kitchen in a comfortable silence. Snow fell outside, and for the first time in a long time, you felt completely at peace.

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