snow angel | i.n x reader

357 7 2

PAIRING | i.n x reader
IDOLS FEATURED | yang jeongin, kim seungmin, lee felix (mentioned), lee minho (mentioned)
WC | 0.9k
GENRE | fluff, strangers to (maybe) lovers
WARNINGS | explicit language
SYNOPSIS | jeongin has always loved playing in the snow, whether it's with his brothers or the kids. but he's never experienced this kind of snow angel, one that has a personality warm enough to melt both his snowman and his frozen heart.

The morning of Christmas Eve was a cold one

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The morning of Christmas Eve was a cold one. The entire month of December had been freezing, but no snow had fallen, leaving Jeongin disappointed. But when he woke up on the twenty-fourth, rubbing his eyes sleepily, the world outside his window was completely white. It seemed as if the snow-gods had heard his pleas and let loose, covering the landscape in the thick white powder.

It was the best Christmas gift Jeongin could have asked for.

"Seungmin! Wake up!" he urged, shaking his friend's shoulder. Seungmin grumbled something incomprehensible under his breath and pulled the blanket over his head, shaking off Jeongin's hands. "It snowed!" Jeongin whispered, perching on the edge of Seungmin's bed. "Let's go out and see it!"

Seungmin finally sat up, eyelids drooping with fatigue. "It's barely seven in the morning," he mumbled, glancing quickly at the lit-up clock on his nightstand. "Can't we go see it later?"

Jeongin frowned. "But we're both already awake! What's the point in waiting?"

Seungmin laid back down. "I'm not awake."

"Yes you are! Get back up!" Jeongin shook Seungmin roughly again, only resulting in a chorus of fake snores erupting from his friend's mouth. Jeongin finally stopped poking at his friend's 'sleeping' body and sat back on his heels, disappointed. "Fine, I'll go see if Felix will come with me." Seungmin didn't stir at the attempted threat, and Jeongin slunk out of the room, pouting to himself.

Unfortunately for the young man, his two other roommates shook him off just as Seungmin had. Felix had woken up with a start, afraid that there was something dearly wrong as Jeongin's enthusiastic whispers had confused the poor boy; he had leapt out of bed and nearly crashed into the wall, limbs flailing as he tried to understand what was happening. Minho, on the other hand had locked his door. Jeongin had tried to pick the lock with a paperclip, but a sleepy, cold voice loudly saying "Don't you dare," had sent him on his way.

And so, Jeongin bitterly wrapped himself up in his winter clothes, zipping up his thick puffer jacket and pulling on a beanie by himself. He opened the front door and waddled down the hall, eager to get outside.

The crisp air was shocking. It hit him like a wall, and his warm breathe immediately froze as he exhaled, sending white clouds into the sky before dissipating. The sun was out as well, but it did little to quell the cold, instead reflecting light off of the pure crystal whiteness, making Jeongin squint. He made his way over to a clearing, where he usually made snow people with the other members, and picked up a handful of the substance. It was the perfect texture for building, not too crumbly or too wet, and he packed it together to form a perfect snowball. He half-heartedly tossed it across the field, and it landed a little ways away. Jeongin sighed. Playing in the snow alone was boring.

He laid down in the middle of the clearing, completely still. He could feel the cold of the snow through his thick clothes, but it didn't bother him. He held a hand up, shielding his eyes from the sun and blinking a few times; the light still reached him through the spaces between his fingers.

"Are you trying to make a snow angel?"

Jeongin sat up, immediately hitting his forehead against something hard. "Ow!"

He rubbed the sore spot, cursing to himself, before looking up and spotting you, who had been sent falling backwards in the snow from the sheer force of the collision. You too were lightly touching the affected area, mumbling profanities to yourself. "What the hell?" you moaned, sitting back up and shaking the snow from your hair. "That hurt."

"It's not my fault you decided to be a creep and stand right there," Jeongin snapped, feeling irritable.

"Okay, fine, I'm sorry." You held your hands up in defense, but rolled your eyes. "You were doing it wrong anyways."

"Doing what wrong?"

"Making a snow angel! You were just lying there like a dead body." You laid down next to him, aggressively moving your arms and legs back and forth. Jeongin stayed silent, in shock at your awkward demonstration and forward nature. You stopped moving your limbs and turned to the side to look at him. He had laid back down too, head already turned towards you. "See? Now it actually looks like a snow angel."

Jeongin held in a laugh as he turned his head back, and he slowly began moving his limbs, mirroring your movements. Once he finished, he sat up and accepted your help in pulling him onto his feet so he wouldn't disturb his snow angel. "You're right," Jeongin said, amused, "they look great."

"They actually look pretty shitty," you said, squinting at the messed-up imprints. "It looks like I stepped all over mine."

"Well, you kind of did."

"It's not my fault you didn't help me up!"

"I don't know, I think they're kind of nice anyways," Jeongin admitted. He brushed off some loose snow on his shoulder.

"I guess," you mused, tilting your head to the side. "Anyways, I'm leaving now. Nice to meet you." You waved at him as you walked off, and Jeongin had to stifle another laugh as you turned around, revealing your snow-covered back. He wondered why he felt so giddy, so carefree. You were a quirky one, a little too loud and forward, but he liked it.

It was only as he reached for the handle on the front door that he realized he never got your name.

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