under the mistletoe | seungmin x reader

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PAIRING | seungmin x reader
IDOLS FEATURED | kim seungmin, lee felix, han jisung (mentioned), seo changbin (mentioned)
WC | 1.1k
GENRE | fluff, strangers to (possible) lovers
WARNINGS | explicit language, drinking, partying
SYNOPSIS | seungmin's stuck at a party on christmas eve that's way too loud, way too bright, and way too full of drunk people for his liking. just as he's about to leave, he finds himself in a slightly awkward predicament with an equally awkward (yet beautiful) stranger.

It was too loud

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It was too loud.

Seungmin's ears felt like they were about to start gushing blood. He grasped his red plastic cup tightly in his hand, staring into the dark concoction that he wasn't sure he completely trusted. He took a tentative sip and immediately spat it out.
Scratch that. He was completely sure he didn't trust it.

He took his phone out of his pocket and checked the time. It was barely past nine PM, and he wanted to go home. If he were home, he could be sitting in front of the fireplace, non-poisoned drink in hand, relaxing with a good book. He swirled the concoction around in his cup and chewed on his bottom lip, wondering if people would notice if he slipped out the front door a few hours early.

"Hey! You made it!" a cheerful voice exclaimed. Seungmin forced a smile on his face and turned to the source of the voice: Felix. He pulled Seungmin into a hug, narrowly avoiding his cup, the force causing some dark liquid to slosh over the edge of the cup and onto the rug below. Seungmin awkwardly placed the cup on the mantle right next to him and pretended it didn't happen.

"Yeah, of course I had to stop by," he said stiffly, trying to make it sound like he actually wanted to be there. His tiny friend bounced up and down happily as he let go of the hug. "I was thinking about maybe heading out early though? I'm not feeling too great."
Felix pouted, and Seungmin instantly felt a rush of guilt.

"Aw, the party's barely started though! Han isn't even drunk yet, and you know how fun it gets when he's wasted," Felix said, wiggling his eyebrows, "just stay a little while longer, come on!"

Seungmin pressed his lips together, trying to look away from Felix's puppy-dog eyes. "Okay fine, just for a little bit. I have things to do when I get home."
"What could you possibly have to do? It's Christmas Eve, Min," Felix said softly, patting his shoulder. "You better not be doing holiday overtime at work again. You were miserable last year."

Seungmin felt as if being at this party were more miserable; at least when he was at work he was getting paid and being productive. But he didn't say that to Felix, instead, just shrugging and crossing his arms. "Yeah, I guess. Just some personal things I need to take care of over the holidays."

"Good." Felix smiled again, taking him by the hand. "Let's get you a drink. Have you tried the punch?"

"I got a cup when I arrived."

"Bad choice," Felix said, sucking in a breath through his teeth, "Han made it."

"Great." Seungmin suppressed a gag thinking about his abandoned cup on the mantle, feeling more miserable by the second.

"Let's get you a beer or something," Felix soothed, guiding him to the kitchen.

Seungmin accepted the beer Felix handed to him, and sipped at it casually as he looked around the room. People were dancing and chatting as the music blared, and he thought for a moment that this wasn't very Christmas-y at all; it felt like a tacky high school party, save for the terrible remix of Last Christmas that kept playing. Felix had left him again, saying something about needing to find Changbin, and Seungmin leaned against the counter as he drained the bottle, feeling more sorry for himself than ever. As he tossed the bottle in the trash, a couple bumped into him as they aggressively made out, sending him stumbling and knocking over the full trash can. "Sorry!" one of them said, before resuming said activity.

That was it. Seungmin picked up the trash that had fallen out of the trash can and immediately made a beeline for the front door, only stopping momentarily to say goodbye to a tipsy Felix, who pouted at him as he walked by. He muttered curses to himself as he dug through his pockets for his car keys, and turned the doorknob, only to come face to face with a stranger. "Fuck, sorry," you murmured, trying to squeeze past him, "didn't see you there."
"It's fine," he muttered, finally finding his keys and stepping around you, effectively switching your spots.

"Hey, you have to kiss them!" Felix yelled, his shouts cutting through the music and laughter, "Seungmin! Look up! You have to kiss them!" Seungmin looked up, spotting a bunched up bundle of mistletoe, hanging from the door frame, all tied up with a nice red ribbon. He grit his teeth and looked back at you, who seemed very pretty against the contrast of the party behind you. "Do it!" Felix urged again, and this time people noticed and looked at the both of you.
Seungmin was ready to curse Felix out, but he looked back at you again, and all you did was smile a crooked little smile and shrug, as if to say "why not?", and Seungmin's anger melted away as he stared into your eyes. He hesitantly leaned in, cupping your face with one hand.

"Is this okay?" he whispered, inches away from your face.

"More than okay," you said back softly. With that, Seungmin finally leaned in and closed the gap between the two of you, slightly chapped lips grazing against yours. It wasn't anything steamy, nor cold. It was quick, but as soon as you parted, you wanted more. He stepped back, fingers toying with his car keys as he jerked a thumb in reference to his departure, gesturing to the long line of cars parked up the street in front of the house.

"I'm gonna get going," he said awkwardly, giving you a tight smile before turning around and carefully walking down the icy stairs.

"Wait!" you call out, and he turns around, the corners of his lips twitching slightly, with annoyance or curiosity, you couldn't tell.


"What's your name?" you ask breathlessly.

"Seungmin. Kim Seungmin. What's yours?"

"(Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N)."

He nodded, then caught his bottom lip in his teeth as he fumbled in his pockets again, this time pulling out his phone and handing it to you. "Put your number in for me?" He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, hoping you were just as interested in him as he was in you.

"Sure." You tap in your number and hand it back to him, smiling that crooked smile again and making his heart race.

"Thanks." He turns around again, and you think you want to say something else, but he's gone before you gather up the courage.

Seungmin settles into his cold car, rubbing his hands together as he turns on the heat. He turns on his phone to make sure you put in your number, and it opens to your contact, titled "Your Mistletoe Kiss ;)".
For the first time that night, Seungmin smiles, genuinely.

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