letters to santa | hyunjin x reader

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PAIRING | hyunjin x reader
IDOLS FEATURED | hwang hyunjin, lee minho (mentioned)
WC | 1.6k
GENRE | fluff, friends to lovers
WARNINGS | explicit language
SYNOPSIS | hyunjin knows he's too old to write letters to santa claus. so why is he sat at a table, colored pencils and paper in hand, telling a fictional old man what he wants for christmas when everything he's ever truly wanted is sitting right across from him?

 so why is he sat at a table, colored pencils and paper in hand, telling a fictional old man what he wants for christmas when everything he's ever truly wanted is sitting right across from him?

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Hyunjin didn't believe in Santa any more.

In fact, it had been over ten years since he had last tried to stay awake all night, squirming in excitement just thinking of the possible presents he could receive from St. Nicholas himself.

He remembered it quite well. They were fond memories that he looked upon with nostalgia. Sometimes he even missed that feeling, that naivety that came with being such a young child. The day that he found his parents sneaking around the Christmas tree and placing little trinkets in his stocking broke his heart even though he was well into his teens and already pretty much knew that there was no such thing as a jolly old fat man who snuck into his house to give him gifts. The sight of his dad eating the cookies he still left out for Santa only confirmed it. Ever since then, Hyunjin thought that Christmas felt slightly different. Not bad, of course, he still loved the holiday with all his heart, but he sometimes wondered what life would be like if he still believed in Santa now, in his twenties.

That thought resurfaced as Christmas-time approached once again. The last few years he had been quite lonely, spending the day with his friends, but it never quite filled the void in his heart as a hopeless romantic. This year wasn't much different. He was still single, and Santa still wasn't real. But this time, he had you.

Hyunjin was sure that if discovering Santa wasn't real was one of his worst memories, meeting you was one of the best. You had just been so adorable as you panicked over your spilled coffee and his ruined white shirt. Ever since then, you and him have been inseparable.

As friends.

Hyunjin silently swore he would do anything in his power to make you his. He was so sure that he loved you. Which was why he was currently sitting at your kitchen table in your cramped apartment, a red colored pencil in hand.

"Do you think our letters will reach Santa in time?" you asked playfully, your eyes meeting Hyunjin's for a quick moment before you returned your attention to your letter, scribbling in a messy looking Christmas tree in the corner of the paper.

Hyunjin resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "I'm sure they will," he responded, pursing his lips as he stared down at his own blank paper.

"Yours won't reach him in time if you don't hurry up. We have to mail them before the end of the day."

Hyunjin glared at you. "I'm working on it! I just don't know how to start it." He tapped the end of the colored pencil against his full lips, catching your attention. You pretended to ignore his full, nearly irresistible pout and lowered your gaze to your paper, pressing down hard with your green colored pencil.

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