pine needles | lee know x reader

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PAIRING | lee know x reader
IDOLS FEATURED | lee minho, bang chan (mentioned)
WC | 2.3k
GENRE | fluff, very slight angst
WARNINGS | explicit language, crying, small arguments
SYNOPSIS | putting up a christmas tree with your boyfriend goes slightly awry as you realize that you both have very different tastes in decorations.

3kGENRE | fluff, very slight angstWARNINGS | explicit language, crying, small arguments SYNOPSIS | putting up a christmas tree with your boyfriend goes slightly awry as you realize that you both have very different tastes in decorations

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"I still don't see why we had to cut down our own tree!" Minho complained. You cast a withering glare over to your boyfriend, who was standing outside, hands on his hips in defiance as he stared up at the massive green tree tied down to the roof of your car. You stepped out of the car, nearly slipping on the slick ice in your driveway before catching yourself on the car door, breathing heavily. "And look, you almost just fell and died. I think it's the tree's fault."

"I'm fine, Minho," you replied, rolling your eyes at his dramatics. He continued to glare at the tree, arms now crossed across his chest and a pout upon his plush pink lips, obviously refusing to cut the rope and drag it inside the house. You carefully make your way over to him and press a kiss to his cheek, making him groan playfully. "Come on, you know it'll be fun. This is the last hard part. I promise."

Minho sighed, finally giving into your charms. "Get me the hedge cutters? This rope looks thick." You nod and run to the garage, retrieving the heavy metal tool that he had requested. You hand it to him and he angles them slightly awkwardly, trying to find the best position to cut the rope without snipping off any of the loosening branches or scratching the roof of the car.

"Try this way," you said, motioning your hands in a certain way. Minho mirrors your actions and the blade scrapes against the car, leaving a glaring silver line in the dark paint. Both the hedge trimmers and your jaw drop as Minho curses loudly, smacking himself in the face with his hand.

"Damn it!" he muttered, rubbing his eyes, and you meekly pick up the heavy tool and try to angle them yourself, only resulting in you dropping them back on the ground as your wrist turns in a way that it probably shouldn't in an attempt to get the bottom blade under the rope. "Just let me do it, (Y/N)," he says, but his voice is strained as he picks up the hedge cutters again and you can tell that he's getting more and more pissed off by the minute.

"I'm sorry," you say awkwardly, and he sighs as he finally clips through the tough beige rope and the tree is loosened, luckily keeping its balance on the curved slope of the car roof.

"It's not your fault, I should have been more careful," he sighs, and he places the hedge cutters back in their place. You're very happy to be rid of them now, not wanting any more accidents. Minho studies the scratch, and your heart catches in your throat as he scrapes at the edge of it with his fingernail. He sucks in a breath as he flicks away small flecks of dark paint. "It's fixable," is all he says before turning his attention back to the tree.

"I can help carry the tree inside!" you chirped, trying to keep the mood uplifted.

But Minho holds up a hand, stopping you. "I can do it myself. I don't want you to get hurt."

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