home for the holidays | OT8 x reader

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PAIRING | OT8 x reader
IDOLS FEATURED | bang chan, lee minho, seo changbin, hwang hyunjin, han jisung, lee felix, kim seungmin, yang jeongin
WC | 0.8k
GENRE | fluff
WARNINGS | playful arguing
SYNOPSIS | you and the kids struggle to snap that perfect christmas card photo to send to your families for the holidays, but you all soon realize you'd never have it any other way.

"So, why do you want me to be in the picture again?" You rubbed the back of your neck, feeling quite out of place in the crowded dorm

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"So, why do you want me to be in the picture again?" You rubbed the back of your neck, feeling quite out of place in the crowded dorm. "I mean, I think it'd be best if I sat this one out. Then you could post the photos for your fans, too." You stared down at your socked feet, focusing on wiggling your toes rather than the eight men in front of you, who were eyeing you hopefully.

"No! Our parents all know we're friends, the only difference is that you're not a member," Felix whined, crawling forward on his hands and knees, dramatically clinging to the sleeve of your oversized ugly sweater. "And they don't care about that!"

"I don't know," you said, still apprehensive. You shook Felix off of your sweater, making him pout. "I just feel awkward."

"(Y/N)," Chan said kindly, nudging Felix out of the way gently, "you know you're just as dear a friend to us as any of the members. Our families all know of you and like you, they'll love it if you're in the photo." Choruses of cheers from the boys echoed through the dorm, and you felt your face heat up with embarrassment. You still felt like you were intruding. Chan wrapped his strong arms around you, and you relaxed into the hug just a little bit as he whispered into your ear, "It's up to you. But we would love to have you in the photo." He let you go, smiling cutely, dimples appearing on his cheeks.

"Alright, alright, I'll do it," you announced, biting your tongue nervously. "Just a few, though. I think your fans would still like to see some of these photos."

"Just get over here already!" Jisung demanded, patting the spot next to him.

You squeezed in between Jisung and Hyunjin, the latter giving you a comforting smile, eyes squinting adorably as he affectionately patted you on the head. "I'm not a dog!" you protested, pushing his hand off playfully.

"Woof, woof," Hyunjin teased, evoking a gagging noise from the other side of Jisung, where Minho was sitting.

Seungmin arranged the heavy camera on the tripod, securing it before looking back up at everyone. "Everyone ready?" he asked, ready to set the timer and scurry back into position.

"Wait! I need to check my hair," Jeongin said suddenly, standing up.

"Sit back down," Minho whined, "I have plans after this!"

"Where are you going?" Changbin asked, raising an eyebrow skeptically.

"I have to give Soonie, Doongie, and Dori their presents." Minho beamed, clasping his hands together and closing his eyes, picturing his beloved cats playing with their new toys.

"3, 2, 1!" Seungmin said abruptly, throwing himself back onto the couch, narrowly avoiding kicking Chan in the face.

"How did such a horrid scene even happen?" Jeongin muttered, squinting at the tiny screen.
"Look at me," Minho grunted, hands on his hips as he gestured to himself with his chin. "I look like I'm praying."

"Praying doesn't look like that!" Felix objected, making Minho shoot a glare in his direction.
"Let's just try again," Chan said, soothing everyone wordlessly, "it was just our first try. It can't possibly go wrong again."


"So, it went wrong." Chan tapped on his chin with his pointer finger, lips pressed together tightly as he stared at the photo, complete with Hyunjin sneezing all over you, Jisung, and Minho, Seungmin's unfocused eyes, and Changbin and Felix's cheesy heart pose. Jeongin had darted out of frame in the last second, claiming his hair still needed fixing.

"Maybe we should just use this one," Changbin said, "I look cute."

"Absolutely not," Hyunjin said indignantly, "I'm sneezing."

"I'm not even in it!" Jeongin complained.

"You looked cute, even when getting sneezed on by a dirty llama," Minho said to you, resting his chin on your shoulder, looking over you to see the camera.

"I still feel damp," you muttered, sticking your tongue out at Hyunjin who glared back.

"One more time," Chan said, "third time's a charm."

Everyone got settled, this time on their best behavior, especially Hyunjin, after Minho had threatened to stuff his nostrils with toilet paper. "Say cheese!" Seungmin sang, right before the camera went off.

"Cheese!" everyone cheered.

On Christmas Day, nine families had a certain card hung up, some stuck to the refrigerator doors with magnets, some balanced on Christmas tree branches, and some hung up on the walls. On the card, nine special faces looked at the camera, all with crooked smiles and badly timed peace signs and hearts. Happy Holidays! it read, in curly golden letters that wrapped around the corner of the card.
And it was, a happy holiday, save for Hyunjin, who was still sulky about his sneeze photo being chosen for the final card.

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