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         Jane was happy as she was wrapped in his arms. She gazed up at him like he was the entire universe as they danced to some song in the living room. Seb looked down at her with a smile and it caused butterflies to erupt in her stomach.

             "So did you like that song?" she asked as the song came to a close. "That could be our wedding song."

               He smiled wider as his fingers reached up to caress her cheek, "Jane, I'm pretty sure I didn't hear a single note because I was too busy being hypnotized by your eyes."

            She blushed as he brought her in for a kiss and her knees felt weak once he pulled away. She struggled to form words, "So...should I play it again?"

              He shook his head at her, "I don't care about the song, Jane, or about the flower bouquets. Pick everything you want because at the end of the day I'm the one that gets the promise of a lifetime with you. And that's all I want."

               Her heart beat of out of control and her eyes teared up a bit. Seb was always a master at making her feel like she was his whole world. She wasn't worthless or just a body to love. She was a heart and a mind and he loved her.

                "That and..." he started to smirk as he lifted her into his arms. "I plan to kiss you until the sun comes up."

              She giggled but made no protest as he pressed his lips to hers and brought her to their bedroom where he kissed her endlessly.


            The next evening she went out with Maeve and Annie to a bar to celebrate her engagement (more like pulled them along with her excitedly). Jane went to get drinks while the two of them took seats at a high-top table.

                 Annie looked overwhelmed and Maeve spoke up, "Don't be surprised if she often drags you to places. It can get a bit annoying but she's genuine when she says she wants to be friends."

               "Is she always so...excitable?" Annie questioned as she looked at Jane who walked with their drinks with a bright smile.

              "Sometimes. But this is complete engaged bliss," Maeve answered as Jane got back with their drinks, sitting down, but she could hardly stay still.

               Annie couldn't help but smile as she stated, "Okay, let's see the ring."

                Jane held out her hand giddily as the two of them looked at her ring. Annie grabbed her hand to study it more closely, "Oh, it's so pretty."

              "Stone really did go all out on this one. I'll give it to him," Maeve said.

               "I can't believe he actually proposed," she said bashfully as she took a swig of her drink.

                "I bet you can't wait for the honeymoon," Maeve winked at Ivy as the statement made her blush.

                Annie looked at Jane in surprise, "Wait, you haven't had sex with Stone yet?"

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