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           Jane floated in the air.

She had her legs criss-crossed in front of her with her eyes closed as she focused. She could feel the Earth around her and all of its elements.

Large, green vines sprouted out of the ground in the forest she was in. They circled the space around her and so many flowers started to bloom. It started to look more like a jungle.

Then she focused on the power she felt inside, burning hot. The center of her chest lit up in red as she thought about setting things on fire.

Some flowers turned to ash before some trees erupted into bright, red flame. They quickly burned and died, littering the Earth with red.

Jane smiled before she opened her glowing eyes. She lowered herself to the ground as the glow diminished and the light in her chest disappeared.

A morning glory flower with a slight burn rubbed itself against her leg sadly and Jane frowned. She could feel it's pain.

"I'm sorry, little one. I'll make it better," she caressed the petals.

With a simple thought, the flower healed and other flowers along with trees sprouted up to replace the ones she killed. Her vines went back into the ground as she stood up.

She didn't like killing off plants. They had senses that she could feel like pain or joy. But it was necessary. She needed to practice this growing power inside her that wanted to burn everything.

She left the area as all her friends swayed towards her, not wanting her to leave. In truth, the plants were her only friends these days.

She'd lost all contact with everyone for the past six months. Homelander. Maeve. Annie. Vought.

The rest of the world thought she was on some secret mission but in truth, she had just ran away. She couldn't go back or else she knew John would never let her go.

But now that she was out of Vought, she couldn't just sit back either. There were plenty of bad superheroes and she was going to remind them of the consequences.


Jane had a list. It included all the bad or corrupt people she had encountered. She was working her way up to one that caused her heartache: Homelander.

She started with the congressman and big names that had used her for sex. For her own enjoyment, she had used a baseball bat and let's just say, they weren't leaving their house for days with the bruises she had left them.

Then she began with changing the supes. Some were easy to manipulate into being good and others were...not so easy. She'd use threats or violence. She'd use the threat of herself or...Homelander. It was amazing how scared they all were of him.

She couldn't believe she didn't see it before. She was so blind...and stupid. Every night she'd wonder how many lives he took because he didn't have anyone to tell him no; every night she'd wonder how many lives she could've saved.

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