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AN: dress for the chapter except in baby pink color

AN: dress for the chapter except in baby pink color

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             Jane was training Venus.

             She made the girl focus on using the wind and form a little tornado. But sweat dripped from Eve's forehead and she dropped her hand as the mini tornado just disappeared.

               "This is so hard," Eve huffed.

                Jane came over to her and patted her back, "You'll get it."

                "How did you do it?" Eve asked.

              "Well, I was forced to. But you have a choice," Jane advised. "When you use your powers, you have to be stronger than your mind telling you to give up."

                 "Okay," Eve said strongly with determination as she focused again, forming a tornado without even raising her hands.

                  But her tornado disappeared as Eve started to blush. And Jane knew exactly who was the cause as she turned.


                He was sweaty from training with Jawbreaker who had super strength and super durability. The kid needed someone that could go toe to toe with him.

"Did you go on easy on him?" Jane asked worriedly.

"The kid is fine," Ben rolled his eyes before smiling slightly. "It was a just little workout for the both of us."

Ben reached them and Eve smiled in awe, "Hi."

Ben just gave her a mere nod. He didn't like the girl. She was nothing like Jane.

Her lips were too big and it made her smile look like the Cheshire Cat as it stretched across her face. She didn't have as many curves and her breasts were smaller. Her hair was a dull red. Her eyes were a boring brown.

He found everything he didn't like. He did it with every girl he saw though. It all these things that kept him tied to Jane. But then he realized that he just disliked every single thing that didn't come from Jane.

Like a smile; some girl could have such a beautiful one but Jane wasn't the one wearing it and so it was ugly. Everything paled in comparison to Jane.

                     Ben just focused on Jane and leaned down, kissing her deeply. Jane let herself get lost in the kiss for a moment. Eve stood in the background as her skin prickled at how enamored he was when she was the new Ivy.

                Ben pulled away as he whined, "Can we go now?"

                   She shook her head before sighing as she looked at Eve, "I'll see you tomorrow."

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