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It was the morning. Jane was straddling Ben in bed as she kissed him. Her hands ran up his defined torso as his own caressed her thighs.

But she had a sudden, terrible feeling. She lifted her head as she frowned and grabbed at her stomach. It was sudden nausea.

"What?" Ben asked breathlessly but she bolted from the bed as the nausea kept rising.

She rushed into the bathroom and she puked into the toilet. Ben had immediately came to her aid and he held her hair away from her face. (It was so different from John who shied away from sickness because he thought it was beneath them).

Jane tried to catch her breath as the nausea started to subside. Ben was concerned but he tried to make her feel better by making a joke. "Jeez, when did kissing me become so revolting?"

She chuckled a bit as a small smile formed and she responded sarcastically, "Yeah, it's totally your kissing skills."

Jane flushed the toilet as she looked up at him in worry, "I...I don't know what happened."

"It's probably just something you ate," Ben assured as he let go of her hair.

"Right," Jane responded meekly as she started to feel sick again and she turned back to the toilet, puking again. And Ben quickly held her hair away, content to stay with her all day until she was better.


Her sudden sickness didn't last. It faded after the morning. But Ben wanted to make sure she was okay so he held her for most of the day while they watched movies in bed.

After not being sick for hours, she convinced Ben she was okay. So he went down to the gym to work with the weights.

The weight plates were made out of osmium and each one weighed five-thousand pounds. He put ten on each side of the bar he used to do a bench press.

               What he was lifting was about the weight of a plane. He laid on the bench and he finished a whole set which included about fifty reps before he notched the bar on the stand above his head.

                  But Venus appeared above him. She had been in there practicing her flexibility as she did splits and handstands that made her shirt fall down and reveal her lacy bra.

              She smiled down at him, "That's impressive."

                 Then she leaned down over him, bringing her face close to his as her hand pressed on his chest and traveled down. She suggested seductively, "You're welcome to benchpress me."

                "I could but why would I fucking want to?" he remarked harshly and he got up rather quickly to move away from her.

                  She pouted before she slithered up to him, standing on her tip toes, pressing her chest against his. She ran her hands slowly up his arms. She whispered, "She doesn't have to know. It can be...our little secret."

              As her hands ran up his arms, her nails turned thorny and green. The tips turned into a sharp point and a sticky substance coated them. It was how she poisoned.

               She dragged her nails across his skin but found they didn't pierce his skin. There wasn't even a mark. But he could feel the sticky substance on his arms which drew his attention. She blinked as she faltered.

                  Suddenly, Ben grabbed her by her neck, "Really? Poison?"

                 He squeezed her throat but she wasn't injured. A main difference between her and Jane was that Venus had super strength and super durability; not as much as someone like Ben or Jawbreaker but enough.

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