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            "Now tell me the truth, Jane? What happened to the Doctor Tyler? What did you do?" Vogelbaum asked

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"Now tell me the truth, Jane? What happened to the Doctor Tyler? What did you do?" Vogelbaum asked.

She sat in his office with her legs crossed over the other. She had her arms crossed as she huffed in annoyance.

She was fifteen and very much acted like a bratty teenager. She was annoyed and in a mood all the time but that was mostly to do with the fact that she didn't have John. She was still very mad about it and she kept thinking John would appear one day and fly her away.

Jane both wanted to leave the lab while being afraid of doing so. She didn't really know what the world contained but if she flew away with John, she knew she could handle it.

"Doctor Tyler wanted a kiss..." she smirked. "So I gave him one."

Then she pouted, "It's not my fault he got hurt..."

Jane had just gotten out of the shower after the botched and bloody hearing. She was brushing her hair when she saw her phone go off on the bathroom counter. She had a text...from Annie.

The blonde wanted to meet with her. Jane chewed on her lip as she contemplated it before she texted back her answer.


                 Jane walked into the living room where John was watching the news go over the drama that happened. (Ryan was sleeping in another room). She wrapped her arms around him from behind and kissed his shoulder.

               "I'm going to see Maeve," Jane stated as she pulled away.

               He furrowed his eyebrows as he turned around to look at her, "You're going to see Maeve? After all that just happened?"

                She gave him a look, "I want to check on her."

                It wasn't that far of a stretch since Ashley did tell the two of them that Elena had broken up with Maeve. Plus, Annie asked her to go to where Maeve was.

               "Fine," he sighed. "I guess you can go."

               "I wasn't asking for your permission, silly," she pecked him on the lips but he ended up pulling her back to him and kissing her deeply before he let her go.

               "Don't keep me waiting," he demanded quietly.

               She nodded breathlessly before she headed for the door.


                 Jane landed on the balcony where Maeve lived; she had an apartment outside of the tower. Maeve was already waiting there with a cigarette between her lips along with Annie...and Hughie.

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