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          Jane started working with Butcher to bring down supes.

           She walked into the loft, or the workplace, every day with a different chocolate bar or type of candy. It was just her thing. She started bringing Frenchie and Kimiko their own, too.

                One day, she was munching on a Reese's Cup next to Butcher. She didn't have her own desk and since she was new to the whole process, she was assigned to sit next to him and learn.

               She tended to space out though as she did in this moment when she opened the wrapper too loudly. Butcher looked up from the paperwork and stared at her.

              It took her a moment to notice as she took a bite of the Reese's. Her eyes widened as she saw his stare and her chewing slowed down.

              "What?" she paused.

               "You and those fucking chocolates," Butcher said. "What's the deal with it anyways?"

                Frenchie and Kimiko listened to the conversation in the quiet loft. Jane swallowed before she answered, "Vought never let me have chocolate. They didn't want me to get fat."

               "Fat?" Frenchie said incredulously. " are parfaite. That is insane."

                  Parfaite. The French word for perfect and the other language allowed her to smile at the compliment. Kimiko put her thumbs up and nodded her head in agreement.

             "Thanks, guys," she said shyly with a blush.

            "That explains why you were so fucking skinny that it might as well have been a crime," Butcher ranted.

"I was?" she furrowed her eyebrows. She didn't realize that she was that skinny.

"But you look better now, lovely, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise," Butcher argued.

She smiled up at him.


Jane was scoping out the next supe with Butcher. They were monitoring where he went so they could catch him in the act.

It was silent in the car as Butcher looked over at her with a curious look. She kept her eyes out the window on the supe.

"Why didn't you do it?" he questioned.

She furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at him, "Do what?"

"When you spotted me and the boys in those drainage tunnels, you could've killed me. You had every reason to," Butcher brought up the event that seemed so long ago; when the Seven went after the super villain who was Kimiko's brother. "I just can't figure out for the life of me why you didn't."

"Why would I?" she questioned. "I don't hate you, Billy; even after strapping a bomb to me. You did everything for your wife. I won't fault you for that."

He shook his head in disbelief as he muttered, "You don't act like a supe at all."

She analyzed him before she smiled slightly, "I'll take that as a compliment."

"That's because it is, lovely."


They were finally going after the supe they found that dealt drugs. Jane was in a nightclub as she watched her target from the bar. She promised Butcher that nothing would go wrong.

He was in the car outside as he watched the feed of the camera that was planted in her earring. But she was unable to keep her promise as her eyes wandered.

A male was at the bar and had just ordered a drink for the girl that sat next to him. The girl seemed young (maybe a decade younger than the man). The girl was a supe as she showed off her powers, making the palm of her hand sparkle like glitter; she even left little glittery handprints on the cup of her drink.

It was such a simple, harmless power. Jane even gained a smile from watching it. Only when the girl wasn't looking, he quickly put something in her drink.

It was a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment. But Jane saw it and her eyes glowed slightly in the pupil as anger overcame her.

The girl took a sip of the drink before her friends dragged her to dance. Jane quickly got up and approached the man who watched the girl dance with a hungry look.

She sat down in the seat the girl used to occupy as the man spoke up, "This seat is taken."

"Is it?" she smiled seductively before leaning forward, running her hand up his thigh.

His eyes widened as she whispered in his ear, "Why don't we get to know each other...outside?"

He nodded his head eagerly and he failed to pick up on the venom in her voice. She merely grabbed his hand and pulled him along to the alley outside.

He pushed her against the wall and started kissing her neck. He started undoing his pants and she acted nervously, "I don't know. I-I think I changed my mind."

"Say no," he smirked psychotically as he pushed his pants down his thighs and revealed his manhood. "I like it when they say no."

She hummed viciously, "I don't think so."

"Tell me, do you like drugging and raping girls?" she said as vines crawled out of the ground and up his legs, wrapping around them as they went.

"What the fuck?" he muttered.

"Do you only go after the harmless supes? Does it make you feel big and powerful?" she questioned as the vines kept crawling and wrapped around his erection. "Did you think no one would stop you? Well, I'm here now and it won't happen ever again."

"Never again," she promised as thorns shot out of the vines and cut off his member.

Blood splatted on her and he screamed.


Jane left the man to bleed out as she got in the car that Billy was waiting in. It was bad but she really wanted the rapist to die.

   "Fuckin' hell. Look at you," Billy said in surprise as he saw the blood on her face. "But the bloke fucking deserved it."

"He did," she said coldly.

"You cut off a man's fucking dick," he said before smirking. "You are diabolical, love."

"Don't smirk, Billy. You shouldn't like it. I did a bad thing," she began to frown.

           She was all anger and rage these days. It made her do bad, impulsive things. And she didn't know what lines she wouldn't cross.

"You did a fucking right thing."

        She looked at him sadly before he sighed, "Come here."

         He opened up the center console, digging around until he found some napkins. He grabbed her face and he wiped the blood gently off her skin.

         "There. All better, love," he genuinely smiled at her and she smiled slightly before she frowned.

         "Taking down these supes..." she confessed. "...I've truly become a sinner."

          "And what's so fucking wrong with that?" Butcher asked.

         "I used to think I knew but now I don't."

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