Chapter Twelve

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"What do we do now?" Charlotte cried fitfully. "Hush my darling, I'll get us out of here," I assure her. 'Think, Molly, THINK', I think desperately to myself. We're on the second floor, there's no way now that we could get back down to the first floor. That only left the third floor. But I didn't see how going up to the third floor would do us any good. And then it struck me. The railing on the staircase! The stairs themselves might be broken, but the railing wasn't! "Charlotte, how good do you think you are at sliding down the staircase railing?" I ask, keeping my voice light and playful. "I'm fast! Faster than Lillian!" I laugh. "Alright then, show me how you do it!" I tuck her little doll into her coat and put her on the railing. The roof began to groan again. Charlotte looked at me fearfully. "Not to worry! You've got to show me how fast you are!" I wink. Charlotte nodded and grinned. "Ready? Three, two, one, GO!" I shout. Off she went, sliding all the way down. I grab onto the railing and slide down after her. I wasn't very good at it, but I made it down with no problem. Once at the bottom, I scoop her up and run out the back door. "CHARLOTTE! MOLLY!" Gilbert shouted. He ran up to us, his face pale. "We're okay," I tell him. He wrapped his arms tightly around Charlotte and I. "Gilbert! You're squishing me!" Charlotte whined, making both of us laugh. I put her down gently and she ran straight to her sister. Gilbert pressed his lips to mine and cupped my face. "You sure do have a habit of getting into sticky situations, don't you?" Gilbert asked me and laughed. I grin, nodding. "Well, yes, it would appear so." His face turned serious. "What happened in there? I thought...I thought that she would have grabbed the doll and you both would have been straight out...I tried to get to you, but my father--" I cut him off. "Gilbert, don't blame yourself. The roof started collapsing, and when I grabbed Charlotte and made to come down the staircase, the stairs had been crushed by pieces of the roof falling on it. I put Charlotte on the railing and made a game of sliding down so she wouldn't be so scared." I tell him. Gilbert shook his head. "I'm so glad you're both okay...if anything happened to either of you, I'd NEVER be able to forgive myself." He whispered. Tears filled his eyes. "Oh, Gilbert. We're alright, really." I promise, kissing his forehead. It was at that moment that Miss Doyle marched over. "And WHAT are we supposed to do now that your manor has burnt down?" She hissed. My eyes widen. This was the first time Miss Doyle had spoken so rudely to Gilbert. He merely stared her down. "I will have the coachmen bring the carriages around, and we will simply go to the nearest hotel for the night." He replied, unfazed. Miss Doyle stormed off to inform the others. I shake my head, smiling. "She IS a trial." Gilbert nodded. "Indeed she is." As everyone was alright, we all made our way to the town to seek out a hotel.

"Gilbert?" I ask quietly. We were in the carriage with Charlotte and Lillian, and I didn't want to wake them, as they had finally fallen asleep, snuggled against each other. "Mmm?" "We could stay at Rosefield Manor, couldn't we? Until Woodland is repaired." Gilbert nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, that's a good idea. We won't be able to stay there tonight though, as it's a good couple of hours away." He stated. "But yes, I suppose we could. I'll speak to my parents about it as soon as we make it to the town." He told me and wrapped an arm around me. Snuggling into him, I close my eyes, thinking about all that had happened tonight.

 "Woah!" I wake with a start. Gilbert still had his arm wrapped around me. I must have fallen asleep, because looking around, I saw we were in the town, and the carriage had stopped. Surprisingly, there were people out everywhere with lanterns. Apparently word had spread about what happened, and they wanted to assist us in any way they could. Madam Lily was there too, and she told us she would have us all some new clothes by the next day, and more by the end of the week. We nodded gratefully, thanking her. As word had already spread, the hotel staff and manager ushered us into rooms. There were fires in the fireplaces, quilts on the beds, and washbasins with water jugs filled to the brim. Mr. and Mrs. Harding made sure Charlotte and Lillian were settled, before coming to check on Gilbert and I. We assured them we were fine. As Mr. Harding did not yet know about Gilbert and I, we had to wait until he had gone into his room before heading into ours. "What a night this has been!" I declare. Gilbert nodded. "Woodland CAN be fixed, can't it, Gilbert?" I ask hesitantly. He nodded. "Of course, I just don't know how long it will take..." His voice trailed off. He sat on the side of the bed and held his head in his hands. I kneel in front of him, cupping his face in my hands. He lifted his eyes to meet my gaze. "I should have known that something was wrong. We don't even KNOW how the fire started!" His face was stony. "Something tells me this was no accident. It was a message." He stated angrily. "What do you mean?" I ask, shocked. "Miss Doyle has absolutely had it in for us ever since she found out my heart belonged to you," Gilbert told me. "But, surely she wouldn't do something so foolish? I mean, upsetting me and the girls was one thing...but starting a fire in which everyone was affected?" I whisper. "I wouldn't put it past her, my darling," Gilbert whispered back. "There's no way to know for sure, at least not tonight. Tomorrow the police will investigate the area." I nod, but my face betrayed my fear. "Molly, everything's going to be just fine. I promise. If it were Miss Doyle, which is what my gut is telling me, then action WILL be taken. I won't let her get away with this, if it was indeed her." Gilbert vowed. I nod. "I'm just so worried about the girls. They're only little, this would have been SO traumatic for them." I whisper, tears sliding down my cheeks. Gilbert nodded, his face still stony. "I don't think I can sleep until I've seen them for myself. That they're tucked in bed, that they're alright." I tell him. "Me as well. We'll have to be quiet, just in case they're already asleep." Gilbert said. I nod, and hand in hand, we make our way to Charlotte and Lillian's room.

Molly-Jane WalterWhere stories live. Discover now