Chapter Nine

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By the time we were finished, it was already half-past four. The sun was already starting to set, so I bid the girls to dress warmly, and to ensure that they had their warmest shawls. I myself went to my room and grabbed my grey shawl embroidered with roses, swapping it with my white shawl. The pink thread on the shawl made my emerald green gown stand out even more. I make sure the laces on my boots were done up properly and made my way downstairs to where Gilbert waited. He smiled when he saw me coming down the staircase. "You look as radiant as ever, Molly." He whispered in my ear, and took hold of my hand. "Thank you," I smile. Gilbert leaned forward to place a kiss on my forehead as he usually did, when we heard two little gasps and whipped around to see Gilbert's sisters staring at us with wide eyes, mouths wide open. "We saw you!" Lillian declared. Despite only being four, she was quite smart, as was Charlotte. "You saw us, what?" I ask, trying to sound innocent. That set Lillian to giggling hysterically. Charlotte spoke instead. "We saw you holding hands!" "And Gilbert was about to kiss you!" Lillian piped up. Now it was my turn for my eyes to go wide. Gilbert chuckled quietly beside me. "Now then, where on earth did you get that notion? You two are way too young to be talking about such things, don't you think?" Gilbert's eyes twinkled. Well, at least HE found it amusing! I didn't! If the girls ran off and told their parents, Gilbert and I would surely be questioned! Lillian stopped laughing and looked us in the eye. "We're not too young! We know how to hold hands too! And kiss!" she grabbed Charlotte's hand, squeezing it. Charlotte began laughing, squeezing her sister's hand too while they both kissed each other's cheeks in the popular way that the French kissed. Gilbert and I shook our heads, laughing at the girls' behaviour. "Alright you two monkeys, come on now, let's get going. It'll be dark soon, and if it's dark, we can't go for our walk, can we?" Gilbert asked. Charlotte and Lillian gasped, raced down the rest of the stairs towards us, grabbed our hands, and pulled us towards the garden. Gilbert and I laughed at their eagerness. The girls between us, Gilbert and I led them towards the lake. The girls let go of our hands and began chasing one another around the lake. After ten minutes, they were out of breath, sitting in the shade of the willow trees. I look around, making sure we could not be overheard. "What is it?" Gilbert asked, his eyes twinkling. "You know what I really miss?" I ask him, grinning. Gilbert thought for a moment. "Hmmm, what do you really miss?" He questioned and smiled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "That magical night we spent in the gazebo, seeing all those fireflies, and walking along the lake." I tell him, sighing happily. "It truly was a magical night, wasn't it?" Gilbert asked, and took hold of my hand. "Well, why don't we have another night like that then?" He asked and grinned. "Could we really?" I ask excitedly, my voice full of hope. "Of course, we could! What about after charades tonight?" Gilbert asked me, excitement also in his voice. I nod my head like crazy. Then a thought struck me. "Oh, but what about Miss-" "Gilbert!" a voice called. I was about to say 'What about Miss Doyle?'. Gilbert and I immediately drop our hands to our sides and turned around to look for the owner of the voice. I feet Gilbert tense beside me; it was Miss Doyle herself. We had now come to stand just in front of the willow trees, and Miss Doyle had not yet spotted us. "Girls, quickly, get your things, we need to head inside." I bid them. They nodded and did as I asked without question or hesitation. I take hold of Gilbert's arm, Lillian and Charlotte walked ahead of us towards the Manor, so by the time Miss Doyle found us, everything looked completely ordinary. "There you are!" She gushed. "I've been looking for you everywhere! Oh, hello, Charlotte, Lillian." Miss Doyle said warmly. "Miss Walter." I noticed when she said my name, her tone was flat. Gilbert cleared his throat. "Is there something I can help you with, Miss Doyle?" He asked, clearly uncomfortable. "Yes, I was wondering if you'd like to join me in a game of cards?" There was no invitation extended to me. "I'm very sorry, Miss Doyle, but Molly and I have a few errands to run before dinner this evening." Gilbert's voice was strained, I could tell he was doing everything in his power to stay calm and polite. I squeeze his arm gently. "Oh, I see." Miss Doyle said shortly. Her eyes flickered to mine for an instant, before she focused on Gilbert again. "Well then, I expect you to participate with me in charades. Your mother told me that you are quite the actor!" Miss Doyle declared. Gilbert nodded his head. "Miss Walter, perhaps you should tend to Gilbert's sisters before you run your errands?" It wasn't a question, it was an order. Gilbert was about to object, but I stopped him, shaking my head slightly. "Yes, of course, you are right. Please excuse me." I say, hurrying to take Charlotte and Lillian inside to dress them for dinner.

Molly-Jane WalterWhere stories live. Discover now