Chapter Fifteen

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The carriage raced along. I could not see where we were going, but by the sound of it, we were heading far away. There were lanterns in the carriage. They cast a soft light, but were not comforting in any way. "Why are you doing this?" I whisper, my voice small. "Because ye young man deserves to have the love of his life torn away from him. Just like I did." He said. "What are you talking about?" I ask in disbelief. "You ever heard of Tom Lawrance?" The man asked. The name sounded familiar....of course! Lancaster school. Years ago, Tom had tried to poison Gilbert and had hidden the bottle under my bed to make it look like I was the one who had done it. "Yes....I went to school with him." The man nodded. "He tried to poison Gilbert and tried to make it look like I did it!" I growl. The man laughed. "Oh, aye, he did. Want to know why?" I scowl. "Because of me," the man winked. I gasp. "WHAT?" "Oh, yes. Tom is me son. I've hated Gilbert since the day he was born. His father is a wretch as well, but there is no one I hate more than Gilbert Harding." The man said. "But...why?" I ask, shocked. The man's face hardened. "Because his wretch of a father took something very special to me." He sighed and his face grew distant. "Gilbert's mother was supposed to be MINE. We loved each other dearly. We even planned to wed. Her parents approved of me, and her father was happy for us to wed." He said, his face saddened. "Then one day, a gentleman comes along and sweeps her off her feet. I think ye know who that gentleman was." The man said, as I nod. Mr. Harding. "But, what has Gilbert got to do with any of this?" I ask, confused. "What GILBERT has to do with this, is simple. Just like his mother, the woman I want as me wife is taken away from me." "I'm too young for you! You are many years my senior!" I say, disgusted. "You and I both know that young women marry older men for family connections and wealth." The man stated roughly. "What is your name?" I growl. "You may call me Arthur." "Well, ARTHUR, I ask you to let me go! I have done nothing to you." I cry. "But ye have, me dear. Ye refused to be me wife." Arthur pointed out. "You wonder why! You are disgusting, you are not a gentleman, and you are KIDNAPPING ME!" I yell. Arthur's face grew sad. "I am sorry. Truly I am. This isn't the way I wanted things to happen." He continued, "But ye know, that Miss Doyle is very persuasive." I gasp. "First my aunt, now Miss Doyle?" I cry. "Please, tell me at least where we are going. Please. If you are going to marry me, I have a right to know where I will be living." I whimper. "Oh, I don't want to marry you anymore. But as for where you'll be living, your aunt has agreed to take you back in, for a price, of course. Ye were my property, but I figure selling ye back to yer aunt is better." He told me. "No!" I say, horrified. "Oh, aye. Gilbert will never know where you are. I've left him a little note from you saying ye can no longer bear to suffer so, and that you are running away." "He'll never believe it! Gilbert knows how much I love him! And so does his mother!" I growl. Arthur shook his head. "He'll have to come get you then. But he might be a bit too busy with Miss Doyle. Oh, she's a lovely one, she is." He grinned. "This is how it's to be. Gilbert will NEVER see you again. He will never marry you. He will never be happy." Arthur said all this as if he were strolling through the town. "We will be at your aunt's in a few short hours. Oh, and there's one more thing." Arthur said. I tense, waiting. "Ye will not try to escape yer aunt's house. If ye do, I will kill you and then, I'll kill Gilbert. Your aunt don't care if ye be dead or alive," Arthur laughed. I bury my face in my hands and cry. What has Miss Doyle done?

I eventually fall asleep, dreaming of Gilbert. He must be frantic with worry. I had no way of telling him that I was alive, where I was, or what was happening. If I so much as tried to make my way back to him, Arthur would kill me, and then he would kill Gilbert. I couldn't bear it if Gilbert died because of me. I couldn't live without him, I knew I couldn't. Gilbert would find me though. The handwriting on the note would be the same as on the contract. Gilbert would recognise Arthur's writing, and he would know where to find me. Because there is one place Gilbert knew I never wanted to go back to. StoneHill Manor.

Molly-Jane WalterWhere stories live. Discover now