Chapter Eighteen

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The next few days were a blur. We were all caring for Gilbert, and I was also teaching the girls on top of that. Gilbert was still weak, and we were all still quite frightened that his condition wouldn't improve. However, the doctor came back to check on Gilbert after a week had passed, and told us that the worst was over. Reader, I cannot tell you how relieved I was. I felt like a great weight had been lifted from my chest. I knew I couldn't bear to live without Gilbert, he was my world now. I walk into Gilbert's room after the doctor had finished checking on him. He sat up in bed, looking the picture of health. "You're okay," I whisper, my eyes filling with tears. Gilbert smiled at me and held out his hand. I slip my hand into his and sit beside him on the bed. "I'm okay." He repeated. I try to speak but only result in a half-choked sob. "Oh, Molly." Gilbert whispered as he pulled me against his chest. "I was so afraid of losing you. I can't live without you, Gilbert, you know I can't." I whisper, listening to the sound of his heart beating. "And I can't live without you. I told you, Molly, I'm not going anywhere. It's all over now, for good this time." I nod, burying my face in his chest as he gently rubbed my back. Mrs. Harding and her husband enter the room to see Gilbert. "Oh, Gilbert! You had us scared half to death!" Mrs. Harding scolded, making Gilbert laugh. "How are you feeling?" Mr. Harding asked. "Much better," Gilbert replied. Mr. Harding nodded. "Wait a second..." I trail off, looking around the room. "What is it?" Gilbert asked. "Where's Miss Doyle?" Mrs. Harding's face turned stony. "Her mother has sent her away to live with her grandmother in Ireland, until she can be better behaved." I whip my head around to look at Gilbert who grinned from ear to ear. "You mean she's really gone?" He asked. His parents nodded their heads together. "When, uh, when was she...?" I can't finish the sentence. "A few days ago." I feel bad that I hadn't noticed. And then I think about all the things she had done, and decided that I shouldn't feel bad for her. She got what she deserved. "Now, the doctor told me that you no longer have to stay in bed, Gilbert. However, you are not to do anything that could open your stitches." Mr. Harding said. Gilbert and I grin at each other. "And now, I believe we have a wedding to organise." Mr. Harding winked at us as his wife clapped her hands in excitement. Gilbert pulled back the covers and got up from the bed. I wrap my arm around his waist as he kissed my forehead. "Gilbert, if you're up for it, I had a tuxedo already fitted to your size, so all you need to do is try it on." Mrs. Harding said as Gilbert nodded. "Molly, dear, you and I can go straight to town to pick out a dress." "Oh, I can't wait!" I gasp in excitement. Mrs. Harding laughed. "Alright then, let's get going. We'll leave the men to their tuxedos," Mrs. Harding said. I grin, winking at Gilbert who winked back. 

Mrs. Harding and I make our way in the carriage towards the town near Woodland Manor. It was a bit further from Rosefield to the town, but not much. I follow Mrs. Harding inside one of the shops. Mrs. Harding went to speak to the seamstress as I look around at wedding dresses. There are many beautiful dresses, but they are all way too fancy. "Molly, would you come over here for a minute please?" Mrs. Harding called. I make my way over to her. "Hello there, I am Mrs. Roberts." "Pleased to meet you, ma'am. I'm Molly." I reply. "What a beautiful girl you are!" Mrs. Roberts gushed. I smile at her. "Now, what can I do for you today?" Mrs. Roberts asked. "My Gilbert is getting married to our Molly here." Mrs. Harding grinned. "Oh! Oh, how lovely! Have you found your dress yet?" Mrs. Roberts asked. I shake my head. "What style are you looking for?" She asked me. "Something not too plain, but not overly done." I tell her. Mrs. Roberts nodded. "I think I have just the thing. One moment please." She said as she made her way to the back of the store. After a few moments, Mrs. Roberts came back with the most beautiful wedding dress I had EVER laid eyes on. It was a French design, and had beautiful short sleeves with lace on them. There was also lace on the top of the dress, which had a sweetheart neckline. There was ruffled lace layers on the middle of the dress which had an empire waistline. The dress also came with a hoop underneath, and at the bottom of the dress on the skirt were layers of single ruffles. And to finish the look, the dress had looped up skirts on boths side of the dress. This dress was absolutely beautiful and it was JUST the thing I was looking for. I felt like I was dreaming. Mrs. Harding saw my face and laughed. "You simply MUST try it on!" Mrs. Roberts insisted. I laugh and take the dress to try on. With some help from a couple of maids, I had the dress on in a few moments. When Mrs. Harding and Mrs. Roberts saw the dress, they gasped. "It looks absolutely perfect on you!" Mrs. Roberts gushed as Mrs. Harding nodded. "You go on and put your other dress on, Molly, dear, and I'll pay for the dress and have it wrapped up for you." I nod and make my way back to change out of the wedding dress. Mrs. Harding and I thank Mrs. Roberts and make our way back to the carriage. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Harding." I say again. Mrs. Harding laughed. "Oh, Molly, you are very welcome! I can't wait to see Gilbert's face when he sees you in that dress!" I blush furiously. 

Molly-Jane WalterWhere stories live. Discover now