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"What's your name again?" you asked, voice slurred and vision blurry.

"Chris," the handsome man in front of you replied, chuckling lightly, but his eyes were glassy with worry and slight intoxication. "Ah... I think we need to get you home. Or sobered up."

"I'm fine now that you're here," you flirted, a goofy smile plastered across your face. You scooted forward in your seat at the bar, propping your head up with both hands to look straight into Chris' eyes, starry with fluorescent lights.

Chris mirrored your actions, scooting forward and gently taking your hands. "(Y/N)," he said, smiling kindly, "where are your friends? I had a lot of fun getting to know you, but I don't know where you live and I'm not going to leave you here alone." He squeezed your hands in his, interlocking his large fingers with your smaller ones.

"Your hands are so warm," you said quietly, eyes starting to droop. "I'm tired, Chris." You started to lean into his muscular shoulder, nestling your face into his warmth.

After looking around one last time for your friends, or anyone that would be familiar to you, Chris hesitantly but carefully took your sleeping body into his arms, and you sleepily clung to him tightly, reminding him slightly of a koala. He smiled a bit at that thought before a few of his friends came over and stared at your sleeping form. "Um... who's this?" Changbin asked, motioning towards you sloppily. He leaned on Jisung's shoulder for support, and the aforementioned boy helped to prop Changbin up with a slightly disgusted look on his face.

"This is (Y/N)," Chris said, looking down at your peaceful face. "I guess she's coming home with us tonight. I can't find her friends anywhere, I think they might have left without her."

"Why would they leave a drunk girl alone at a bar with a man she barely knows?" Jisung asked, concerned. He pushed Changbin off of him and stared at your sleeping face. "She's so... cute."

Chris took a step back from his two tipsy friends. "Leave her alone, guys, alright? And don't bother her in the morning when she wakes up either. I'm sure she'll be flustered enough," he scolded gently. "Now, can one of you get us an Uber or something?"

Jisung waved a hand. "Yeah, I called one a few minutes ago. It's getting late, and I'm sick of watching over Changbin."

"Why is Hannie being so mean to Binnie?" Changbin whined, leaning into Jisung again.

Jisung rolled his eyes. "Bin's just as wasted as your girlfriend there."

"She isn't my girlfriend," Chris corrected, "We're barely acquaintances."

"But you want her to be your girlfriend," Jisung taunted, following Chris' long strides out the front entrance of the club, dragging Changbin behind him.

"I don't know her well enough yet," Chris chided, "but I wouldn't mind getting to know her better."

"You have to lock her down now! You don't want her getting away," Jisung complained, taking another look at your sleeping face.

"Hannie, when you're older you'll understand. Dating isn't just about 'locking someone down'. It's so much more than that. It's a big commitment," Chris said, shifting your body in his arms slightly. He couldn't help but smile endearingly at the sight of you smacking your lips sleepily.

Jisung frowned at his friend's actions, sensing his paternal side coming out more than usual. "Whatever you say."

The Uber pulled up, and the driver rolled the window down, revealing a familiar freckled boy, who immediately frowned when he saw his friends tipsy and giggly, and one of them with a random girl.
"Jisung, I told you to call an Uber," Chris said, exasperated.

"Well, we don't have to pay if Felix drives us," Jisung said matter-of-factly, dragging Changbin to the shotgun seat and shoving him in, the older boy making a slightly strangled sound as Jisung accidentally closed the door on his foot.

"Sorry to bother you, Lix," Chris said apologetically.

"It's fine, I was already out anyways," Felix said, his big eyes darting towards the sleeping figure in Chris' arms. "But... who's this?"

"His girlfriend," Jisung piped up from the back.

"Acquaintance," Chris corrected, making his way to the back seat. He sat you in the middle seat and squeezed into Felix's car himself, gingerly maneuvering around your limp limbs and finally getting comfortable and draping your unconscious body over his own. You subconsciously pulled him by his jacket to get him to come closer and nestled into his chest, sighing contentedly.

"You sure seem to care a lot for this acquaintance," Felix teased, starting to drive slowly away from the club. "But that's very in character for you."

Chris' face flushed a dark red, the moonless night luckily shielding his furious blush from the other three boys who surely would have teased him even more if they had seen him flustered over some random girl sleeping on his chest.

But as he glanced down at your peaceful face one more time, he felt his heart pounding faster and faster, and he felt like a stupid teen falling in love all over again. This time, he was the one who pulled you in closer, an arm around your shoulders securing you into place. Quickly, he pressed a quick kiss to your temple, first making sure that Changbin, Jisung, and Felix were lost in conversation. He then leaned his head against the window, and closed his eyes. You were so warm and comforting that he almost didn't wake up when Felix pulled up in front of the boys' apartment building.

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