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The mug was now almost completely faded, but it was still the only mug that Chan used. For a moment, you contemplated just throwing it against the wall, wanting to see the white porcelain shatter and make a mess, but you instead set it down and let your arm hang limply by your side. You were much too tired, and you would feel incredibly guilty anyways.

After your moment of silent anger, you opened the cabinet and set Chan's clean mug next to yours, the matching black words still faded, but not as much. "#1 Mom, my ass," you scoffed.

Even though Chan still used his mug every day, you hadn't touched yours in weeks, because all it did was serve a painful reminder of the day you got it.

It was three months into your relationship, and the first birthday you were spending with Chan. He had been agonizing over what to get you, even though you insisted that he didn't need to get you anything (which only stressed him out more, because of course he was going to get you something, and what kind of boyfriend doesn't get their girlfriend a birthday gift anyways?) He had settled on buying you a quite expensive necklace, and you nearly fainted when Jisung had told you how much it cost and how Chan had begged Jisung and Changbin to just chip in a little bit because he was 'only short about fifty dollars'. He had made you a cake and bought a second one after he was dissatisfied with the way his homemade one came out (although everyone said that the homemade one tasted way better, even if it was a little bit ugly). He had even made you a handmade card and wrote a long, meaningful note in it that made you tear up in front of everyone, leading him to kiss you gently, to which Jisung gagged at overdramatically.

After the cake had been served and the celebration was dying down, Jisung nudged Changbin again, who left the table quickly.

"Where's he going?" you asked, eyes following his retreating figure.

"You'll see," Jisung said smugly.

Your gaze shifted to Chan, who was suppressing a laugh. "What's going on?" you asked, poking his dimple. He pulled you into his lap and pecked you on the forehead.

"You'll see, be patient," he chuckled, a warm, deep sound that sent vibrations through your entire body. You curled up into him, his arm securely around your waist.

Changbin came back into view, with another messily wrapped present. "Another present for the birthday girl," Changbin sang, handing it to you and sitting back down to eagerly watch you open it.
"Is this from Chan too?" you asked, surprised, "the necklace was more than enough! I feel so spoiled!" you proclaimed.

"Mm, it's partially from me, although it was Jisung and Changbin's idea," Chan said. "Open it!"

You quickly peeled back the wrapping paper (which was hard to do, as Jisung had proudly stated that he had been the one who wrapped it, and he had proven to be quite heavy-handed with the tape, and for some reason thought that having multiple layers of wrapping paper was a good idea) and after removing the hardened cast of tape and paper, pulled out a mug, almost identical to Chan's, with the words "#1 Mom" on it.

"Isn't it funny?" Jisung asked immediately, leaning forward to see your reaction. "Me and Changbin remembered your reaction the first time you saw Channie's mug, and we thought it'd be funny to get you a matching one!"

You let out a loud laugh, staring at the mug in humorous disbelief. "Oh my god, this is amazing, thank you so much! I love it!" You held the mug up to eye level and turned it around, examining it from all sides. "Does that mean you're my children now?" you asked, setting the mug down and turning to Jisung and Changbin.

"Mommy," Jisung said immediately, earning a disgusted look from both Chan and Changbin.

"Ew, Jisung," Changbin said, making a dramatic gagging sound.

"I think that's (Y/N)'s cue to leave," Chan said, pulling you to your feet as you chuckled, finding Jisung's words funny. He grabbed his keys on the way out and opened the door for you, shooting a glare at Jisung and Changbin who were making smooching noises as you walked out the door, bidding them goodbye.

As soon as you were settled in the passenger seat of Chan's car, you took your mug out of its box again and turned it over in your hands, secretly over the moon that Jisung and Changbin had given you such a quirky but meaningful gift. "I hope that it doesn't make you uncomfortable," he started saying, but you quickly cut him off with a peck on his plump lips.

"Chan, I love it, I promise. It makes me really happy that your friends like me enough to joke with me like this," you said eagerly.

The goofy grin that you love was plastered onto Chan's face again, relief obvious in his sparkling eyes. "They don't just like you, they adore you," he admitted. "Ever since the day you slept over because you were too drunk to go home yourself," he shot you a teasing little glance, "they've loved you."

"Sounds like they love me more than you do," you teased, nudging Chan gently.

"That's impossible," he said quickly, turning to look at you, his eyebrows furrowed. "I love you. more than anything."

You hadn't expected such a sudden confession of love, but your heart started pounding faster at the aspect of Chan saying he loved you for the first time. "I love you too," you said automatically, realizing how natural it felt to say, and relaxing a little.

Chan's face flushed red again, as did yours, and the silence was broken by Chan saying, "I love you more."

"Well then, I love you most," you retaliated.

"I love you the most-est," he responded.

"That's not a word!"

"It is now."

You turned your whole body to face Chan and he did the same, mirroring your actions. "Chan."


Slowly, you both move closer, until your lips are just barely touching. "I really do love you," he whispered, before gently smashing his lips onto yours, molding them together perfectly.

Pulling apart after the lengthy kiss, Chan finally starts the car and begins driving you home. The ride is mostly silent, save for Chan humming along to the classical music playing on the radio.

However, the silence isn't heavy, nor is it suffocating in any way. In fact, the silence is comforting, offering an opportunity to reflect on the mushy words that had been exchanged just minutes before. You looked out the window, noticing Chan's reflection. His body was lit up by the moonlight, and his hands rested comfortably on the steering wheel, fingers tapping gently to the sound of the music. His bare face is pale and beautiful, and only half of it is visible in the waning light. Your eyes follow the gentle slope of his nose and the curve of his full lips, and his tongue quickly darts out to wet them. He swallows, his adam's apple bobbing gently, and your gaze drops to his unmarked neck, and you almost want to mark him up right there and then. His skin was so unblemished, untouched, and you wanted to show everyone that he was yours. You were the one he loved. Slowly forcing yourself to look away from the stunning man beside you, you roll the window down just a little, the cool night breeze blowing your hair back and making your spine tingle.

Soon after, Chan pulls up in front of your apartment complex, and you both step out of the car. "Do you want me to walk you up?" he asked, making sure you brought everything.

"That's alright, I'm not that far up," you said, pulling him in for another kiss. You sighed against his lips, and he gently pulled you in by your waist and deepened the kiss, innocently swiping his tongue against your bottom lip.

"Chan, not here," you said with a tone of mock disgust. He rolled his eyes, but a smile remained on his face as he let go of your waist, fingers dragging across your skin as if he was reluctant to leave.

"Good night (Y/N)," he said, getting back into his car. "I love you."

"I love you more."

"I love you most."

"I love you most-est."

"You stole my line! you hypocrite... I thought you said that 'most-est' isn't a word!"

You winked. "It is now."

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