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It was strange to know that your apartment was completely yours once again. True to Chan's word, Jisung and Changbin had stopped by and packed up Chan's few remaining belongings, and they told you how sorry they were, and that they remain your friends if that was what you wanted. You had numbly muttered a dismissive response, and they left with pieces of your heart stuffed into a suitcase.

You roamed your apartment, marveling at the emotional emptiness even though there was not much physical change. As you walked around the rooms you used to share, you found fragments of memories, stuck in the carpet, in between books on the shelf, and in the gaps in the closet where his clothes used to hang. In the crevices of couch cushions between lost TV remotes you found the once common 'I love you's' and whispered sweet nothings.

Was it too much? The shattered remains of your relationship, reminiscent of a broken soap bottle? Perhaps. But you relished those fragments, those shards. You let yourself be completely lost in them, feeling the old emotions wash over your tired body like waves, drinking in the temporary bliss between cigarettes and wine before it faded away completely, leaving you with nothing.

fragments | bang chanWhere stories live. Discover now