Chapter 16: What the f*ck

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TW: burns, mentioned suicide, implied self harm, swearing
Please let me know if I missed any


Why did he decide to live in a canyon?

I had to make things right.

There wasn't a door, so I couldn't knock. "Wilbur!" I shouted as I was going down the stairs.

"Wil, you here?" I asked to the walls.

A door swung open, "What the f*ck do you want?"

Hostile approach it is then.

"I need your help." I said carefully.

He laughed, he laughed in a way I haven't heard in what seems like forever. It was a bitter laugh laced with resentment, but also with a bit of glee.

"Oh, Tommy needs my help." He mocked.

Then he became serious, "But where was he when I needed help?"

I put my head down.

"Where was he when I almost took my life?"

"I wasn't there." I replied softly.

I stood on the roof, looking at the sight. Philza was holding Wilbur in a tight embrace. I rushed over.

"What happened?"

I looked over Wilbur, his trench coat was off, which revealed his bandaged arms.

"He tried to kill himself." Philza muttered.

Wilbur was sobbing.

Guilt coursed through me as I thought to myself, I could have stopped this.

"I'm sorry," I choked, "I know it doesn't mean anything, but I'm sorry, and I regret that I didn't do anything."

"But that didn't stop you from turning around and doing it again?" He challenged.

"It didn't, and I'm sorry about that too."

"You shouldn't apologize to me, you should've apologized to Ranboo."

"But that's the thing," I said, gearing up for any response. "I found him."

There was silence.

"What the f*ck." Wilbur whispered, tears glinting in the corners of his eyes. "Why would you say that."

"What do you mean?"

"Ranboo is dead!" Wilbur said sharply. "He's been dead for over four years." His voice cracked, and tears began to fall. "And it's my fault." He said, collapsing onto the ground.

"It's my fault." He whispered.

I gently put my hand on his shoulder.

"Csn I explain?"

He nodded.

"I found him, Ranboo is alive. But he is severely hurt. Tubbo is already with him."

He looked up, "What the f*ck."

"I thought you would like to know?"

He stood up, "You could of started with that!" He shouted incredulously.

"O-oh okay."

And we ran.

Have to say, no wonder Wil is fit, he climbs 4 flights of f*cking stairs to get out of his house.

I was met with a sight all too familiar when I got home.

Ranboo was lying on the bed, unmoving.

"What if he doesn't wake up?" Tubbo asked.

I wrapped my arms around him. "He will."

Tubbo sniffed, and turned to me.

This time the burns were much more serious. Almost as if he fell into fire.

Or water.


Short chapter 'cause I have rewritten the next bit too many times!

Have a great day/night my friends!

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