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Jacks P.O.V

I sat at the back of the emergency vehicle waiting for us to get to the hospital.

I was getting really nervous. The ambulance worked on her for a little bit trying to keep her from losing to much blood.

My eyes kept watering at the sight of seeing her on the floor. I can't believe Liz would do this.

I should of never trusted her, but I couldn't see through her evil ways because of her niceness.

We soon arrived at the hospital. They pulled out the gurney and wheeled her in the hospital taking her into a room.

I ran in there trying to go with her put they held me back telling me I had to wait.

I can't wait when my girlfriend is on a hospital meeting her doom!

We should of never went to that stupid party, we could of stayed at my house watching Netflix and eating candy.

Why did this happen, and more importantly why did this happen to her!

The question stays in my head, waiting to be answered. The question that I really wanted to be answered is "What did Liz have against Abby"?

This question will be in my head but it will be answered if it's the last thing I do.


"Jack Gilinsky are you here", one of the nurses said.

I stood up.

"Abby is still a little unconscious but you can see her if you want", she said.

"Yes, please", I said.

"Right this way", she directed me to the room.


I will remember this number.

I walked in to see Abby sleeping. I walked up to her to see the stab wound bandaged up.

I felt so bad for her, she shouldn't be here, she should be at my house laughing and having a good time.

I sat down grabbing her hand and kissing it. The nurse then walked out, leaving me alone with Abby.

All I could do was state at her. I watch as her stomach goes up and down when she breathes.

A few minutes later the nurse walked in with a woman. I noticed that the woman was actually Abby's mom.

"Oh my gosh, what happened to her", she said.

She looked at me.

"Did you put her here, was this your big plan to date her and then put her in the hospital!", she yelled at me.

"No, we went to a party and one of our friends (well not anymore) stabbed her and now she is in the hospital", I said.

"I can't believe this I should of never trusted her to live with you", she said coldly.

"This is not my fault the party wasn't at my house and I didn't force her to go, so please don't put this on me", I said.

"This is you're fault because you allowed her to go and get hurt", she said.

"Why do you care you been hurting her for years!", I said rudely.

She glared at me.

"It wasn't my fault", she said.

"And this wasn't mines either", I said.

"I'm sorry that I put this on you I am just frustrated and I jut feel so sad to see her like this", she said.

"And I am sorry that about what I said about you abusing her", I said.

"It's okay, it's my fault for doing it, even though I was forced", she said.

"I understand", I said.

"Knock, knock, knock", someone said.

They opened the door. I looked to see Jack with a smile on his face.

"Hey guys, I heard that Abby is alright", he said smiling.

"Yeah, she is still breathing", he said.

"That's good, well I better get going I just wanted to check on her, I will be back tomorrow", he said waving goodbye.

"Bye", we both said.

"Well I better get going too I will be back tomorrow", she said.

"I will go with you, I will just leave her to get some rest, like she already is doing", I said.

"Ok let's go", she said.

We both walked out heading home, waiting for tomorrow to see Abby beautiful's eyes.

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