New Girl

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Abby's P.O.V

I walked into school. I saw everyone talking and laughing and grabbing their books from their lockers.

"Hi Abby", I looked to see Tess.

"Oh hi Tess", I said smiling.

"So I heard that you've been having trouble with Jack and Jack but don't worry I am here to comfort you", she said.

"Oh thanks Tess but that-"

"You don't have to thank me, I am just helping out a friend, and you know what friends do?", she asked.

"What?", I asked confused of what is going on.

"They also help their friends get a guy...that's all I'm saying", she said blurting out her words.

"What?", I said annoyed.

"Is Jack J single or what", she said annoyed.

"I really don't know, but guess what he is right over there, ask him", I said.

"You really think I have a chance", she said, hope in her voice.

"Yes, go for it!", I said smiling. She walked over to him. She looked back at me nervously. I gave her two thumbs up.

Tess's P.O.V

"Hi Jack", I said nervously.

"Oh hi Tess", he said smiling. He knows my name!

"So I was wondering to go on a date with me Saturday", zip asked stuttering a bit to much.

"Umm...sorry I can't. I already have plans", my heart broke into a billion pieces, not a million, no billion!

"Well okay..well I better get going, see you later", I said walking away.

"Bye", he said.

Abby's P.O.V

I watched as Tess walked away in sadness. Jack looked like he didn't even care, he just walked to class. What is his problem?

Later That Day:

I walked out of school. I saw Jack and that girl and then I looked to see Jack G and another girl. What is happening? Have I gone to a parallel universe or something why is everything so different.

I walked to the corner but before I could turn to where my mom picks me up I heard Jack G call me.

"ABBY WAIT!", he yelled. I rolled my eyes.

"Hi Jack", I said.

"So listen, Jack and I are having a party and we wanted to invite you, so do you want to come", he said.

"Uh, sure but when is it?", I asked.

"Tomorrow night", he said smiling.

"Oh okay well I better get going my mom should be here any minute", I said.

"Okay well bye", he said. I walked around the corner and saw my mom in the car, looking impatient. I ran to the car, getting inside quickly.

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