Secrets and Lies

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I just want you guys to know that Julie (Abby's Mom) is now apart of the main cast.

She will be mentioned and will have many POV's

Thank you that is all!

Julie's P.O.V

"Stop, please, stop", I pleaded.

"No this will teach you for being such a big mouth!"

"I'm sorry, just please don't hurt me, I will never say another word, just please", I begged.

He then put the gun to ny head. I sobbed harder.

"Please don't do this", I begged.

He then took the knife and cut my arms and legs twice. He the
then put the gun down.

I screamed in pain.

"Can't work here, no one can hear you scream", he said.

"What did I do", I asked.

"A lot now shut up", he said. I just sobbed harder. What is he going to do to me?

Abby's P.O.V

I woke up and immediately went down to the hospital. I signed in and sat down waiting.

"I am so glad to see you", I looked to see someone in dark clothing their face.

"Are you the person that was talking to me on the phone", I asked.

"Why your smarter than you look", they said.

"What do you want from me", I said.


"I can't just give him to you like that", I said.

"Abby", the nurse called out.

I stood up and smiled. The person than walked up to me.

"You better find a way for him to be with me or else....", they said walking out.

I walked with her and into Jack's room. I walked in to see him up watching cartoons.

"Hi Jack you have a visitor", the nurse said.

"Thanks Jenny", he said smiling.

"Hi Jack", I said smiling.


"Abby", I said.

"Right sorry, so what's going on you haven't visited in a while", he said.

"Yeah I am sorry, wanted me to visit", I said smiling.

"Yeah....I guess I mean you are my friend and I need to remember that", I said.

"Well we are friends but we used to be more than that, we were boyfriend and girlfriend", I said.

"Really, why did we ever break up", he asked.

"We decided to take a break", I said.

"Wait...can we try something, I wanna see if this can help", he said.

"What", he then leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back. He pulled me closer to him.

I pulled away smiling. He smiled back at me.



The door then slammed shut. I got up and opened it to see Anthony walking away.

I ran towards him.

"Anthony", I yelled.

"Is that what you do try to make a move on me and then go to another guy", he said.

"No, I was just trying to make him remember me", I said.

"Who cares about him", he said.

"I care about him, he was my first love, my friend, I want him to remember me", I said.

" know Jack warned me about you and I should of listened", he said.

"Anthony we are just friends we were never actually dating so I don't know why you are acting like this", I said.

"Whatever Abby, I don't care, have fun", he said walking out. I looked around and everyone was looking at me.

I walked back to Jack.

Jack J's P.O.V

The kiss was like something I've never felt before. Something so amazing.

After the kiss everything memory started to come in, and just when I was about to tell her she left.

It hurt hard and I know it was because of a boy. That's what hurt the most.

So fine if she doesn't care I don't care. I will pretend to still forget. See how she will feel.

Abby's P.O.V

I walked back in to Jack's room. He was watching television and laughing.

"Hey so you never told me, did you feel anything, any memory", I said.

"Oh yeah, no luck, I am so sorry", he said.

I was so distraught. I can't believe he still doesn't remember me.

"I have to go, I will see you tomorrow", I said walking out.

I guess he will never remember me.

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