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Jacks P.O.V

I walked into Jack Js house slamming the door.

"What the he-", Jack said walking downstairs.

"You are so going to get it", I said walking towards him.

"Aren't you suppose to be with your date, cheater", he said mumbling the last part.

"Why in the world would you tell Abby about Lex", I yelled.

"Because I wanted her to know that you are a big cheater", he said walking past me.

I then grabbed his shirt and pinned him to the wall.

"I don't want her to know about Lex, and if she finds about her by you Lex won't talk to me and Abby won't either and I will be girlfriend less", I said, he looked at me confused.

"That's the point idiot, I don't want to great girls with a guy like you and once they find out you will be a dead man", he said.

"You can't tell them, I won't let you", I said.

"Why would I ever keep a secret from two girls that haven't done anything to you and let you cheat on them", he said.

"Please Jack", I pleaded.

"To think I thought you actually loved Abby but all you want to do is hurt her more", he said.

He then walked to the door.

"I am going to tell Abby about you cheating and this time she will believe me", he said.

"She won't, your just wasting your time", I said smiling.

He then held his iPhone, I then heard me talking and telling him about the cheating.

Well played Johnson (clapping in my head).

"I thought so", he said opening the door.

I then slammed the door, grabbed his phone and threw it to the wall. I then grabbed Jack and punched him.

He then fell to the ground...unconscious.

I felt terrible but I can't let him tell Abby, because I know she would never talk to me again.

I then walked back to my house and immediately went to my room.

"You okay honey", Abby yelled to me.

"Yeah I am fine", I said.

"Well I will be right back I have to talk to Jack", she said.

I then ran downstairs and grabbed her.

"No I don't think that's a good idea", I said.

"Why?", she said confused.

"Because he is very angry at me because he still thinks I cheated so I don't think you want to talk to him while he is still mad", I said.

"I don't care Jack, I just want to talk to him and ask him why he wants me to believe that you are cheating", she said.

"Listen I already talk to him, why do you need to talk to him", I asked.

"Jack stop asking me questions and let me go so I can go to Jack and talk to him", she said.

"Abby please", I begged.

"Fine whatever", she said annoyed and going upstairs. I smiled. Walking to the kitchen.

I grabbed an apple and then headed back upstairs. I walked to my room sitting down when I noticed something was wrong.

I walked into Abby's room and saw that she wasn't there. She left just like that. I immediately ran back to Jack's house.

I walked inside to see Abby helping Jack up.

She looked at me and glared.

"Did you do this", she asked.

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