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Abby's P.O.V

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's mom...she's in the hospital," she said.

"What! Why!" I asked.

"I don't know I came home last night and she wasn't there and I saw a note saying she was at the hospital," she said.

"We have to go! Now!"

At the Hospital:

"I can't believe she didn't call us! We could have been there!" I said.

"She will be fine. It couldn't be any thing drastic," she said.

"Are you two daughters of Julie," a doctor said.

"Yes we are," I said getting up.

"We have some bad news," he said.

"What is it!"

"Someone came and visited her and when they left we found her unresponsive and a note," he said handing us the note.

She deserved everything that was coming to her. She deserved to die for her bigmouth and her soft heart. She left me for you and decided to love you and hate me. Well if I can't have her neither of you can! I'm coming for you two soon. Your little boyfriends won't save you now..will they?

I can't believe this! Why would someone do this?

"My mother..my mothers dead.."

"I'm afraid so.."

"Why wasn't there anyone watching her!"

"We're sorry we didn't know what he was up to we didn't know," he said.

"Thanks to you...my mother-she's-shes dead!"

"I'm sorry. What could we do to help you?" he asked.

"Nothing!" I snapped.

"Just leave me alone," I said walking away.

I didn't know where I was going or if I was ever going to go back home, but I did know that I didn't want to talk to or be near anyone until a I find out who killed my mother.

2 weeks later:

"You haven't ate in awhile..eat!"

"I'm not hungry," I said.

"Abby please.."

"Why do I have to eat?"

"Because I care about your health," she said.

"Yeah..well I don't," I said going outside. Luckily she didn't bother to come out making this better for me. I didn't want any company.

Just me, myself, and I.

"Abby! I was just coming over to see you," Jack said.

"Jack I really-"

"I'm so sorry about your mom," he said. I nodded.

"I wish I was there for you"

"Its okay Jack. I'm going to go back outside see yah"

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