Please Remember Me

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Abby's P.O.V

"What?", I looked confused and tried hard to not shed aby tears.

"Who are you people, that's it I am calling the nurse", he said pressing the button repeatedly until the nurse came in.

"Is there something wrong Johnson", she said walking over to him.

"These strange people are in my room", he said.

"Johnson you don't remember these people", she said.

He shook his head.

"No am I supoose to", he said.

"Nurse what's wrong why can't he remember us", I said.

"It seems like the impact of the car made him lose some of his memory", she said.

"I can't believe this, so doesn't remember his friends or family at all", I said.

"Maybe not family but definitely friends even though I can't be sure if its family but we will have to see when we let him out", she said.

I turned to Jack.


"Abby", he trailed off.

"No thanks to you Jack may never remember me", I said.

"Abby please"

"Just f*ck off Jack", I said. He looked surprised and lost for words.

"Fine", he said.

I can't believe that I might never ever get to be with Jack again. What am I going to do without him.

I walked back to the hotel. I packed my bags up since today was there last day here.

I layed down taking thinking about Jack and what he said. I can't believe he said who am I.

I shed tears at the thought of it. My phone vibrated, I picked it up to see what it said.

"Hey, Ab's miss me"

I looked at the text message over and over. Who is this? I texted them back.

"Who is this"

A couple minutes later my phone buzzed again.

"Why don't you come outside and find out"

I walked out of my room and walked outside to see some one in a mask.

"Who are you?", I asked.

"You don't remember me don't you, I'm the one that almost finished you", she said.

I walked over and took of the mask. I looked shocked to see Lisa.

"What do you want, I thought you were done, why are you messing with me again", I said.

"Because I know that Jack is in the hospital and you feel bad for him and after he remembers you, you are going to start growing feelings again", he said.

"What are you talking about I'm thinking about another boy, you probably know him from stalking me", I said.

"Oh...Anthony, you can do so much better", she said.

"Wow...thanks for the opinion and for the lovely chat, now leave", I said.

"I'm still not done with you, you think that little party was just the end, we're just starting", she said.

"Stay away from me Lisa I am warning you", I said.

"What are you going to do get someone to beat me up", she said.

"What do you want from me", I said.

"You don't remember how you broke me and Jack up, you don't know me but you will once I take off my mask", she said.

"If you want Jack you can take him", I said.

"You're just saying that, so that means I am going to keep making sure that you stay away from him", she said walking away.

Jack's P.O.V

I hope Jack remembers us soon, I hate to have Abby more upset with me.

I walked over to him. He looked at me weirdly.

"You still remember right buddy", I said.

"Am I suppose to", he said. My eyes started to water. I can't believe he doesn't remember me.

"I am your best friend and always been since kindergarten", I said.

"Sorry doesn't ring a bell", he said.

"You have to remember, you just have to", I said tears starring to fall.

"I am so sorry I just don't remember you", he said.

"Please, please remember me", I said.

He just looked at me sadly. I got up and threw my chair walking out slamming the door and walking out back to the hospital.

I can't believe he doesn't remember me. I then bumped into a girl making her fall down.

"I'm so so...LEX!!!!", I yelled. I grabbed her and hugged her tightly.

"Jackie poo", she said. I kissed roughly her making her moan.

"I missed you so much", I said.

"Me too, I have so much planned for us like-"

"Wait before you say anything I have to talk to you", I said.

"Oh no you're breaking up aren't we", she said.

"Yeah listen, I haven't been honest with you to anyone. I have been cheating on you and I feel horrible and trust me I'm done with the other girl and since that I am I want to be honest with you so I want be with you. I am so sorry, I am so disappointed with myself", I said.

"Why did you do it Jack", she said.

"Because I wasn't thinking straight and I didn't think Abby and I weren't going to work", I said.

"Well I don't want to be friends, I think your a jerk, and a bigger jerk for hurting another girls feelings", she said getting up and walking away.


"Douche bag", she said walking out.

"Tough man", Shawn said.

"Oh hey Shawn", I said smiling.

"Oh don't hey shawn me I am still mad at you, we are all still mad", he said.

"I know, I messed up, and I know you are going to hate me along time but I really need for you guys to just take it easy on me, I am having a really tough time right now", I said.

"I know that people are giving you a rough time, but what you did still doesn't"

"I know what I did, can you plays stop reminding me, I want to stop this I want to go back and change this", I said tears forming in my eyes.


"No, I really don't want to hear it because I know your just going to tell me some bull sh*t and I just can't do it right now", I said walking upstairs.

I need to make right. I need to find a way for people to stop hating me.

To please remember the real me.

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