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Abby's P.O.V

I can't believe my ears. Anthony and Jack are brother's, but they don't seem nothing alike.

"So you two are actually brother's", I said.

"Yes we are, I hope this won't affect our relationship", he said worriedly.

"No, not at all, this won't be a problem", I said fake smiling.

"I also have a sister if you two want to become best friends", he said.

"Gilinsky why don't you shove this up your as-"

"Woah hey, no need to get feisty", Anthony said.

"Sorry", I said. I looked to Jack to see him smiling, I just rolled my eyes.

"I'm going back to the hospital to check on Jack, Jack please don't follow", I said.

I walked back to the hospital. I signed in. I took a seat and played around on my phone.

"Abby", a nurse called out.

I stood up smiling.

"Come with me", she said. I walked with her to Jack's room.

"Now Jack is still sleeping but don't worry he should be awake soon", she said.

"Oh okay, thank you", I said.

"No problem", she said walking away.

I walked into Jack's room. He looked so cute sleeping. I hope he wakes up soon though, I really miss him.

I sat down playing with my phone for awhile. A couple minutes laterI then heard the door swing open.

I looked to see Jack. I rolled my eyes.

"Jack can you please go somewhere else right now its only suppose to be seeing him right now", I said.

"Abby can you please stop being a snob for a minute and just let me see my best friend", he said.

"Oh you mean that you almost killed because of your selfish reasons, you just had to pretend you were committing suicide just so you can get all the attention, but since you wanted to be like that you got your best friend in the hospital are you happy is this what you wanted Jack", I said.

"He tried to save me but I didn't need saving, so this isn't my fault", he said.

"So you went and planned a fake suicide just to have everyone forgive you and not to do it again, so that nobody will forget the situation", I said.

He was lost for words.

"Face it Jack you are nothing but a pathetic douche who can't think of anybody but himself", I said.


"What Jack there is nothing you can say that", he then turned me around. I looked to see Jack opening up his eyes.

Oh how I miss his eyes, those beautiful blue eyes of his.

"OMG, Jack your awake, you're actually awake", I said.

I sat down next to him and hugged him softly. He looked at me weirdly.

"I missed you so much Jack", I said.

"Can I ask one thing", he said.


"Who are you?", he said.

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