Record 02 - Courage Within The Fear

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Mizuhashi Mansion...

Being heroes of the world was, of course, not something one would consider a walk in the park. Especially if you were truly a novice in the field. So that's where trainers come forth. And in the Vessels' case, their trainers were the people close to them.

Their training began two days after their first encounter and battle with the Tareans. Hideoki and Nanami left their jobs at the pastry job and the bookstore respectively to their trusted assistants for a while for them to personally oversee the Vessels' training.

First up: Hasureiki invocation.

"Hasureiki is already existing within the five of you. Now the real problem lies in how to conjure it from within for you to turn it into a force meant to attack. That's where the Reikarajustu comes in," Hideoki started.

Eichirou raised his hand which caught the historian's attention.

"Can we conjure Hasureiki even if we're not transformed? I mean, you did that when you summoned ice spears to attack Juman even from your hiding position at that time."

"You can, but it's not as powerful as the Hasureiki you use to battle the Tareans when you're transformed." Hideoki cleared his throat before he continued. "It is the Heaven's Medallion placed in each of your Shifters that taps the full capacity of your Hasureiki. That's why you become stronger whenever you become Seitengers."

Nanami stepped into the discussion as soon as Hideoki gave the signal. "Now, everyone, I want you to look at what I'm about to do. This is the first step of Reikarajutsu." With her right palm on top of the other, she took a deep breath as she closed her eyes.

The Vessels could only watch in anticipation of what was about to happen. Well, whatever it was that would happen, they must have carefully observed it.

It didn't take long before something happened.


A wall of pale pink light appeared on Nanami's palm that slowly rotated. They thought they'd seen enough until the ball gently opened... like a flower blossoming.


Nanami opened her eyes soon after and smiled at the sight of the surprised looks on the faces of her "students."

"This is the physical manifestation of the Hasureiki that we know. One reason for this flower shape to exist is because the lotus flower is the symbol of the Heavenly Spirit Guardians."

"So that's why the same flower was engraved in Mom's chest box," Eichirou stated as he nodded.

"Do all of our Hasureiki have that kind of physical manifestation, Nanami-san?" Erika inquired.

"That's for you to find out for yourself."

All Nanami got were skeptical looks as a response to what she said. She beckoned them to stand up. With a simple instruction of focusing their Hasureiki on one single point, they all did as they were told. But they all couldn't help thinking that in a way, there was still something missing.

Moments later, balls of colored light in their respective colors appeared on their palm. Of course, it wasn't a wonder that the five of them were delighted. But here comes the real problem.

"Uh, guys... Do you know how to open this Hasureiki ball and make it a blossoming lotus?" It was a weird thing for a guy to ask that. Or at least that's what Eichirou thought.

Even so, it was the very same question that the rest of the Vessels had in mind.

"It all starts with that ball of light, Eichirou," Hideoki said as he decided to step into the training. "The mere fact that you could conjure that ball only proves that you're one step closer to tapping your Hasureiki's full power."

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