Record 05 - Still Photos

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The Vessels woke up early that one morning. But as soon as they reached the garden, they soon noticed that Hideoki was busy tending the garden.

"Okay. When was the last time I saw Hideoki-san did this?" Itsuki couldn't help asking that soon broke the silence among the group which consisted of him, Shuichi, Misae, and his sister Erika.

"Last year, I guess. Though I'm not sure," Misae answered and proceeded to think about it.

"Well, we're all unsure about that. Besides, Hideoki-san rarely tended the garden. He's usually in his room reading some papers or more often, in the restaurant's kitchen thinking of new dishes to add to the menu." This time, it was Shuichi who said that.

Soon after, Nanami arrived where they were standing and placed her hands on Misae and Itsuki's shoulder.

"It's a yearly habit of my cousin whenever Mariko's birthday would arrive," she said.

"Ah, that's right." Erika nodded when she said that as her reply.

Then they all remembered that it was indeed Mariko's birthday. But this was one of the rare times in ten years that they saw Hideoki personally tend the garden his late wife would usually take care of. The usual person who would do that would either be Eichirou or Akira.

"Speaking of which..." Erika started upon thinking of that and looked around the area, in and out of the mansion. "...where is Eichirou-san? Shouldn't he be helping Hideoki-san, at the least? I mean, it is about Mariko-san, after all."

"He's busy right now."

Misae and Itsuki faced the older woman. "Busy? On what?"

"Today, he said he has to head out early in order to prepare for a photo exhibit to be held two days from now," Nanami explained.

"Oh, right. The photo exhibit. He's been staying up late just for that these past days. I hope he's okay," Misae couldn't help voicing out her worries for the eldest Vessel.

"He was doing it for his mother, so I guess all the stress and fatigue will be worth it in the end."

They all turned to the source of that voice just behind them. They saw Helen looking at Hideoki, but the prominent thing they noticed about her was the scroll she was holding.

"You're early in visiting the bookstore," Nanami commented with a smile. But Helen didn't say anything after that but just returned the older woman's smile.

"I'll be heading out for a while. Tell Mizuhashi-san that I'll be late for the training later."

Nanami nodded and just watched Helen leave the mansion. But not without wondering as to why Helen would head outside for a while.


That photo exhibit, as Amuro had guessed before, was mentioned in one of the letters sent to the Mizuhashi mansion a week before the letters for Hideoki arrived. Since the anniversary of Mizihashi Mariko's debut to the fashion world fell on the day after her birthday, Eichirou decided to do the exhibit on that day.

He was busy doing the last checks necessary to that location so that all he needed to worry about were the photos to be displayed there.

"Mizuhashi-san, the lighting for the stage is all done."

Eichirou turned to one of the technicians he hired for the job.

"Alright, thanks. Once the photos are all here by tomorrow, I'll ask for your help again to set up the remaining lighting."

The technician agreed and soon proceeded to continue the rest of their task for that day.

After that, Eichirou heaved a sigh and eyed the stage with hopeful eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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