how it all started

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This story is set in modern times, it also takes place before anyone yk, kicks the bucket so. Also warning for cursing cause there's gonna be a lot of it 👍👍


Giyuu always thought Sanemi was a confusing person, he never understood how Obanai could talk to him so easily.

Giyuu had tried quite literally everything to be-friend Sanemi but nothing ever seemed to work. Sanemi always just blew up in his face, which Giyuu didn't exactly mind, any interaction with Sanemi was a good thing to him.

He felt strangely happy everytime he was near Sanemi, he felt like he wasn't just there to fulfill the role he always thought his friend should have had.

Sanemi made him feel like he was allowed to reach out to everyone.

Giyuu thought about him a lot. Trying to figure out what he was doing wrong to make Sanemi hate him so much.


Sanemi on other hand tried his hardest not to think about Giyuu Tomioka.

Sanemi never understood why Giyuu tried so hard to be-friend him. He never did that for anyone else and it was really weird in his mind.

Giyuu ignored everyone and his bright, ocean, blue eyes never contained a single emotions that Sanemi could read.

It pissed him off that Giyuu didn't ever put in the effort to talk to the other pillars. Sanemi took it as Giyuu thinking he was above them all, for whatever reason.

Even though Giyuu pissed him off, he couldn't shake the feeling of seeing that ink, black hair and those ocean, blue eyes in his dreams every once in a while.

Giyuu was flooding Sanemi's head against his free will and he hated it. It's not that he hated Giyuu, he just couldn't stand the fact Giyuu thought he was better than them.


Master Ubuyashiki called a hashira meeting bright and early in the morning. Everyone was there, except Muichiro.

"Uzui has an announcement for you all so please listen up" Master Ubuyashiki said in his usual calm voice

No matter how early it was, Tengen Uzui always had a way of being as loud as he possibly could for a reason that no knew

"Good morning everyone" Tengen pretty much yelled "me and my wives decided to have a party tonight for the Hashira to celebrate our latest victory. it'll start at 8 pm at my estate."

Sanemi cursed under his breath a bit for having to be up this early for that but he knew he should probably go to the party.

He knew better than anyone how stressed he has been lately. He couldn't stop thinking about Genya and what he had said to him when he saw what Sanemi did to their mother. He couldn't get Giyuu out of his head either.
Those blue eyes pierced the back of his head like a target. He hated feeling like this. A party would be a great de-stresser.

The master said they didn't have any missions to do the next day so they should enjoy themselves all night.

Giyuu really didn't want to go to a party, especially not one hosted by one of the loudest and most obnoxious people known to man. The master told them they should enjoy themselves though so he was going to try again to be-friend Sanemi at the party if he had to go.

the party that changed everything Where stories live. Discover now