The Pantry

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Sanemi couldn't believe it. He was going to be stuck in a pantry for 7 minutes, with fucking Giyuu Tomioka.

It didn't take long for Giyuu to notice it had gone silent in the once loud room. He looked up and saw where the bottle had landed, dead center on him.

Giyuu didn't seem all that bothered by the bottle landing on him. If anything he was happy, he could finally talk to Sanemi alone.

Giyuu couldn't help but have a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach though as he stood next to the white haired man and took his shot.

The two men headed into the pantry, Sanemi cursing the entire time. Giyuu shut the door and turned around to Sanemi sitting on the floor on the opposite side of the pantry.

"We're not doing shit, this game is stupid and you're stupid" Sanemi said looking extremely pissed.

Giyuu wasn't phased by Sanemi's words at all, nor did he expect to do anything in the pantry. Even though his body was telling him otherwise, his heart was beating faster than it normally did and it felt really hot in the pantry all of a sudden.

"I didn't want to do anything, I actually just wanted to talk to you" Giyuu said with his half smile.

Sanemi didn't take him eyes off the floor until he realized Giyuu had gotten closer to him. Giyuu was walking over to sit on the floor next to Sanemi.

Sanemi's mind raced as Giyuu sat down, fingers inches away from his own.

Giyuu spoke quietly, trying not to be yelled at "So is there a reason why you hate me so much Shinazugawa?"

Sanemi looked up at him. He couldn't help but think how beautiful Giyuu looked in the dim lighting of the pantry.

He felt himself lose all self control, he leaned over and kissed Giyuu softly. Giyuu's eyes widened, quickly closing them though and kissing him back.

Sanemi pulled away slowly, not realizing what he did until he saw giyuu's face. Both of them were bright red, not knowing what to say.

"Oh God im- um- shit" Sanemi stuttered out

The time was up and they were both still bright red and couldn't even talk to each other now. They took deep breaths as they walked out of the pantry together.

Everyone seeing they're still visibly blushing, Shinobu and Mitsuri giggles and whispered about how "they knew it". Tengen looking very proud of himself, like he planned this, which he probably did.

They stood back in the circle of people without saying a word to anyone or each other. Sanemi couldn't even scowl at anyone or tell them to fuck off. His eyes just stayed on the floor.

Sanemi's mind was racing, he couldn't believe he had done that. He didn't think he could ever look at Giyuu in the eyes again. He had no clue if Giyuu hated him now or if he has made things awkward. His head hurt, he felt like he couldn't breath, and he was freaking out. Giyuu wouldn't look him in the eyes and he couldn't figure out if it was because Giyuu never did or because of what he had just done.


Hiii sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to keep things sectioned off. I'm going to be gone for a few days so there probably won't be a new chapter for a week-ish :)

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