the aftermath

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sorry for not updating for a while, I have been very depressed but here I am now


They played a few more rounds of spin the bottle. Neither Sanemi nor Giyuu were landed on again. They both just sat there with blank expressions on their face, staring at the floor.

Sanemi was freaking out on the inside and Giyuu couldn't believe that had actually happened.

He knew the "friendship" he was trying to achieve felt weird, like he wanted more than just a friendship but he couldn't figure out why it felt weird, until now. It all was starting to make sense to him now, he had feelings for Sanemi.

He knew that moment in the pantry was going to make it more difficult to talk to Sanemi, especially after figuring out his feelings about the white haired man.

Sanemi couldn't keep his head straight, he felt like he was going to pass out from his head spinning with all these thoughts.

"I'll be back, I need to use the bathroom" Sanemi said much quieter than he normally would have spoken.

He ran to the bathroom as soon as he let the words out of his mouth. Slamming the door behind him, he sank to the floor.

He was having a hard time breathing. He had done the unthinkable, and now he couldn't even look at Giyuu without feeling like he was going to cry.

He buried his face in his knees. He felt like crying, this was all too much for him to handle. He could face demons no problem, and take any kind of remarks he got from people but Giyuu Tomioka was messing with his head.

He decided to take some time and just relax on the bathroom floor, he took as many deep breaths as he could and just let the cold tile floor sooth the heat he was feeling in his chest before heading back down with everyone else.

He still couldn't look at Giyuu without feeling that heat in his chest come back but it was better than the panic attack he was having 20 minutes before that.


The party ended at about 3 am, half the people that had showed up fell asleep somewhere around the sound hashira's estate.

Obanai had fallen asleep with his head in Mitsuri's lap, her head leaned against the giant couch.

Sanemi, Giyuu, and Gyomei were the only ones still fully awake, Tengen was in a weird in-between of asleep and awake.

The three men left after saying goodbye to the half asleep man sprawled out over the side of the couch.

Sanemi trying his hardest not to look in Giyuu's direction as they passed each other to leave in fear of having to talk to him about what happened.

Giyuu was fighting the urge to pull Sanemi aside as soon as they got out of the house and kiss him again. He could see Sanemi was freaking out and he wasn't completely sure why.

Was it a mistake in the heat of the moment or did Sanemi Shinazugawa truly feel something for him. Those thoughts swirled around in Giyuu's head rapidly, he needed to know the reason behind the kiss they had shared but he knew if he asked it could go extremely wrong.

Giyuu glanced at Sanemi as they walked outside into the breezy summer air. Neither of them saying anything to each other and walking in opposite directions.


Giyuu got home and changed into a pair of red pajama pants. It was 3:30 in the morning and he was extremely tired.

He laid on his bed and thought about what it would be like if Sanemi actually did have feelings for him. These feelings were new to him, it was a nice warm feeling he hadn't felt in a really long time.

He imagined dating Sanemi, the things they would do together, how it would feel to kiss him again.

All of these things were making him feel so happy. He drifted off to sleep thinking of all the amazing things he could do someday with Sanemi.

Sanemi did not have the same response when he got home. As soon as he walked into his house he ran to his room, slamming the door a little too loudly.

He forgot he wasn't the only one who lived in the wind estate, he probably woke someone up from slamming the door but it was late so they hopefully wouldn't realize it was him.

He sat on the floor of his room, thinking of why he did that, why did he have to kiss Giyuu Tomioka at a stupid party.

If they ever had a mission together again Giyuu was for sure going to bring it up.

"Stupid Giyuu Tomioka with his pretty blue eyes and his slender, perfect body...." Sanemi thought to himself.

He realized where his mind was drifting and he snapped out of it. He was mad at himself but he was even more mad at the fact Giyuu kissed him back.

He didn't reject the kiss and it was confusing Sanemi. Did Giyuu also have feelings for him, or was it just a heat of the moment reaction.

He was too tired to be overthinking this much. He changed into black plaid pajama pants and climbed into bed.

"Maybe tomorrow will be better" he thought before finally falling asleep, tired and overwhelmed.

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