Tengen's party

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Warning for cursing again and alcohol usage 👍👍


Giyuu arrived about 10 minutes early. The only other people that were there were Shinobu, Gyomei, and obviously Tengen and his wives.

He wasn't really surprised they were there early, Shinobu would do anything to hang out with Tengen's wives longer, and Gyomei is just way to responsible to not be early to a party.

Shinobu spotted Giyuu walked in and whistled at him as she walked over.

"Well if it isn't the hermit crab, you definitely came dressed to impress" Shinobu said through her teasing smile she had almost every time she talked to Giyuu.

Giyuu just stared at her with his blank expression, completely unphased by her obvious teasing. When Shinobu realized she didn't get a reaction she walked off to go talk to Hinatsuru.

Shinobu was one of the main pillars who made fun of Giyuu excessively. The others were Sanemi, Obanai, and Tengen. Which came to no one's surprise.

Kyojuro and Mitsuri were always trying to get them to leave him alone. Even if they thought some of the teasing was a little funny.


The other 4 pillars showed up around the same time. Sanemi, Obanai, and Mitsuri all walking in at once, since they drove there together.

Giyuu had moved to the kitchen so he didn't get trampled by people walking in. He knew that if Kyojuro spotted him right away he wouldn't be able to talk to Sanemi alone the whole night.

It wasn't long before Giyuu spotted Sanemi in the living room, talking with Obanai about who knows what. He knew that if he went to talk to Sanemi now, while he was with someone, that he would just get told to fuck off.

He decided to go talk to Suma for a bit until Sanemi was alone. He made sure to stay in the kitchen so he could keep an eye on Sanemi. Knowing him, he wasn't going to be alone for long.

Sanemi was fairly popular among the other hashira. Which a lot of people didn't really understand, he was loud, angry all the time, and took everything the wrong way.

Giyuu was one of the people Sanemi had roped in somehow, except Sanemi hated that Giyuu wanted to be-friend him so badly, at least that's what everyone thought, since he was always yelling at and trying to fight Giyuu whenever he tried to give him things or talk to him about anything.


Before Giyuu could get Sanemi alone, Tengen struts into the living room.

"Alright everyone! I hope you're enjoying yourselves. I propose we play a game." Tengen says with a giant smile on his face.

Sanemi speaks up, looking clearly annoyed. "What fucking game?"

"I was thinking a mix of 7 minutes in heaven and spin the bottle, obviously with shots aswell because it wouldn't be my party without alcohol" Tengen yells

Shinobu perks up out of no where and says "that's a great idea Uzui"

Everyone agrees, some a little hesitant. Tengen tells everyone to gather around the kitchen counter in the middle of the room. Tengen, his wives, and Shinobu go to get the shot glasses and the bottle to spin.

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