an awkward mission

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Hi guys, I'm so sorry for not publishing a new chapter, I have had the worst writers block, I'm going to try my best to actually get chapters out 😭


Tomorrow was not better.

Sanemi woke up later than he normally would have on a Saturday. He sat on his bed and rubbed his eyes.

The previous night had been so much for him to handle, he was ready to just relax for the day, when suddenly he heard his crow screaming his name.

"Please not today" Sanemi thought to himself

He opened his door and the crow flew in, squawking loudly like usual.

"YOU HAVE A MISSION TO THE NORTH" the crow squawked

"....Fuck me" Sanemi said under his breath

He was not ready to do this shit today. He thought he wasn't supposed to have any missions today, at least that's what he was told.

He got dressed quickly and ran out the door, heading north.

It was a fairly cool summer day, nothing too bad for the fact he had to walk all the way to the mission spot.

He walked confidently but cautiously as he approached the vine covered house in the woods.

The atmosphere made it seem like an easy mission for the most part. Until he saw a flash of that ugly haori.

He tensed up and whipped around to see the dull looking man in front of him.

"Jesus fuck Tomioka, is it really necessary to sneak around like that, I'm pretty sure the demon is inside the house" Sanemi mustered out

"My bad" Giyuu said, not changing his facial expression.

The way Giyuu never changed his facial expression when he talked always freaked Sanemi out. He wouldn't read the intention behind his words when he looked like that.

"This seems like an easy mission so let's get this shit over with" Sanemi said, clearly irritated

"Agreed" Giyuu said looking at Sanemi with his dead eyes

The two men headed into the house, hands on the hilts of their swords. The house was as eerie on the inside as it was the outside.

As the two men walked into a small room, the door slammed behind them. Both men pulled their swords out of the hilt at lightning speed.

"Fucking great" Sanemi thought to himself "I'm stuck on a mission with a guy I kissed last night in a tiny room, battling a demon. Just my motherfucking luck"

The bottom of the room seemed to be filling with water slowly. As if things couldn't get worse, a demon seemed to appear out of the small puddle of water forming on the floor of the room.

It wasn't even a lower moon so that was a relief on both Giyuu and Sanemi's part.

Giyuu slid silently behind the demon and looked Sanemi in the eyes, it was obvious he had a plan that Sanemi should know already.

He didn't even have the time to think about the fact that Giyuu looked him in the eyes with something other than that dead fish look. It was mission time and he knew better than to let his head distract him from his mission.

Plus Sanemi knew that look already, they had been on a few missions together and Giyuu usually had the same plan for low rank demons.

Sanemi distracted the demon so Giyuu could hide and then he charged it while Giyuu waited behind a small cabinet in the corner of the room.

Sanemi slashed the demon's leg just enough to knock it off balance and for Giyuu to jump high enough up for the perfect angles to cut its head off, the roof of the room wasn't very high but it was manageable.

The head came clean off like it always does, and rolled next to the demon before disintegrating. The water on the floor evaporated with the demon.

Sanemi and Giyuu's socks were soggy at this point but it wasn't anything they hadn't experienced before in their years of being Hashira.


Heading toward demon slayer headquarters felt like it was going to take forever with the tension in the air.

Sanemi kept side glancing at Giyuu, but Giyuu's eyes never left the path in front of them.

Sanemi hated the way Giyuu never looked at him with any expression unless they were on a mission, until that night in the pantry.

Giyuu's softened expression, sitting inches away from Sanemi, it was almost like Giyuu Tomioka genuinely had a soul.

He shook off those thoughts before they could flood his judgment again. They were still on this mission.

They were about halfway to headquarters by the time either of them spoke.

"So..." Giyuu mumbled "after we do our mission report do you want to come to my estate?"

Sanemi's eyes widened "why the fuck would I hang out with you willingly?" He said in a harsh tone

"I'll make you Ohagi" Giyuu said, eyes not leaving the sky in front of them.

"I got nothing better to do so fine, but only if we can train" Sanemi said kinda sounding like Tengen

"That's fine by me" Giyuu answered with a slightly higher pitch.

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