A Turn in Events

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Giyuu was looking Sanemi straight in the eyes, both of them bright red.

"Get the fuck off me idiot, why are you still sitting there?!" Sanemi shouted at the man sitting on him.

Giyuu just sat there staring, it looked like his eyes had glazed over. He was looking straight at Sanemi's lips.

"Are you fucking listen, get off m-" Sanemi started to shout when he was cut off by lips meeting his.

Giyuu leaned in and kissed Sanemi deeply, since his mouth was already open from shouting.

Sanemi was mad he was cut off but he wasn't going to stop the exchange he had been wanting since before they kissed the first time.

Giyuu's hands went straight to the scared face of the man under him.

Sanemi kissed deeper, putting his hands on the smaller man's waist. He didn't want this moment to be over and have to meet Giyuu's eyes again.

It was slowly getting messier, tongues fighting for dominance. Giyuu was surprisingly good with his tongue Sanemi thought to himself as he worked his way around the slightly smaller man's mouth.

Giyuu gripped the white hair of the man below him trying to win his dominance over him. Giyuu had never been one to care what position he was in but Sanemi sparked something in him.

A fire that needed to be ignited further, there were no thoughts in his mind other than hearing this man crave him.

Sanemi finally gave in to Giyuu and let him take control of his mouth. He needed this man so badly he couldn't fight it anymore. The kiss was so deep it felt like Giyuu's tongue was half way down his throat.

It didn't matter to him, he knew what he needed and he went for it. His grip tightening around Giyuu's waist he leaned back a little, putting a bit of space between them for a fraction of a second before Giyuu lunging back into Sanemi's mouth as fast and hard as he could.

By the time Giyuu pulled away they were both gasping for air. It only took a few seconds for Giyuu to jump up off of Sanemi once he saw the expression of the man under him.

"I'm so sorry oh my god, i don't know what came over me" Giyuu started to ramble out

Sanemi just sat and stared at him, still on the dirt ground. He was so beautiful, the sun was behind his head so perfectly.

Giyuu was still rambling when Sanemi finally got something in between the sorrys.

"Help me up you idiot" Sanemi spouted rather calmly.

Giyuu stopped rambling as soon as he heard the man on the ground speak "Oh, of course" he said, reaching his hand down.

Sanemi took his outreached hand and pulled himself up with a smirk on his face.

He was definitely going to ask Giyuu about this later but for now he just needed to live in the moment and let himself not know why, just know that it happened and he enjoyed every second of it.

They decided to end that training session there since there was no way either of them were going to focus.


They went back into the estate and sat down on the couch. Sanemi plopped onto the couch and leaned back against it.

Giyuu was worried over what had happened just before that but he had to admit, Sanemi looked so hot when he was leaned back on the couch, manspreading. It took all of his strength not to jump into his lap and re-create what had happened not even 10 minutes prior.

Sanemi could feel the ocean eyes he loved on him. He had never felt this good in his life and knowing Giyuu was staring at him made him feel even better.

They sat there in silence for awhile. Giyuu staring at Sanemi (mostly his crotch) and Sanemi with his head back and his eyes closed.

Giyuu finally got himself together enough to speak to the very hot man next to him without drooling.

"So um I guess I should explain myself for what happened outside" Giyuu mumbled, not knowing if he even said that loud enough for Sanemi to hear.

"I mean I wasn't gonna say anything but I'm kinda curious why you decide that was the time to shove your tongue down my throat" Sanemi chuckled to himself.

That comment made Giyuu turn as bright red as he had after the pantry incident.

"Well I guess it just felt like the mood was there" Giyuu tried to play it off cool but it was so obvious that wasn't the real reason.

"Oh yeah you made out with me for 5 minutes straight because of the vibes" Sanemi teased "Tell me the real reason why you did that"

Giyuu had somehow gotten redder.

"Um well" He was stuttering from the confidence the larger man was showing "I don't know, I just did"

That response hurt Sanemi a little. He wanted Giyuu to admit his undying love for him, he wanted to know Giyuu wanted him just as badly as he wanted that stupid slender body of his.

'Whatever you say" Sanemi replied keeping hold of his confident demeanor even if he wasn't very confident anymore.

Giyuu felt something switch in his responses after he said that. It was like he felt Sanemi lose that sexy edge to his voice.

"How about we have some of that Ohagi we made earlier" Giyuu said quite awkwardly, trying to change the subject.

"Sure, why not" Sanemi half smiled at that, he couldn't be too sad when there was Ohagi right in front of him.


They ate and watched TV for a bit before inevitably Sanemi fell asleep with his head in Giyuu's lap. It wasn't entirely what was supposed to happen, but Sanemi thought it felt natural to casually inch his way into the small lap of the man he wanted to call his more than anything in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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