Chapter III - Winter Waltz

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S: What makes a lie an actual lie if it's told by someone who believed it to be the true?

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The Castle...

Footsteps could be heard. Someone was angerly walking to the throne hall.

There were two thrones above a dais. In the biggest one was a man with dirty blonde hair and green eyes — and another man standing by his side — and the smallest throne would never have someone to sit on it again.

The man who walked stopped, right in front of the two other men.

"I heard about what happened, Sapnap," the king said. "I'm truly sorry for your loss."

"Spare me of your bullshit, Dream," Sapnap replied. "I'm going to fucking kill that priest and there's nothing you can do about it."

"Don't make rash decisions, Sapnap," Lord George — the marquess by the king's side — said, slowly; standing straight, still and serious. "You might regret them."

"That man killed my father!"

"Revenge is never a good option."

"Never a good-- You son of a bitch!" he grabbed George by his collar, but the man didn't even flinch.

"You're being childish."

"My father and Skeppy were burned alive, my brother almost ended up the same way; and you dare telling me that I'm being childish!?"

"George is right, Sapnap." Dream said. "You know the law; if they were accused of being demons, the church has the right to do what they want to."

"Do you really believe in those religious idiots!? My father was a good man! Skeppy too! And they were burned alive! Do you think they deserved that!? After everything they did for you!? After everything they did for this people!?"

"Calm down," George requested. "Your anger will not bring them back."

"You have no right to judge me! You don't know what I'm feeling. You don't understand what I'm going through. And you, Dream. I thought if someone in the world would know how it is like to lose a loved one, — an innocent — that person would be you."

Dream seemed upset by that comment, but he didn't even have the time to reply, once Sapnap walked away.

Maybe he was right. Dream should be a bit more sensitive. Sapnap was his friend, and Bad and Skeppy were too. But after her death, he was just empty.

*   *   *

While that, it was all a regular day in the Gray Market.

Kristin managed to stay in the family booth that day, and Tommy was helping her so he could go back home and rest.

He was carrying some boxes with some snow globes from the harbor to the market when he heard a familiar voice.

"What are you doing?"

He looked at her and kept walking, "My mother asked me to get these snow globes to sell."

"I never saw a snow globe."

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