Chapter IV - The Hanged Man

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S: All good things must come to an end.


This chapter contains: Public executions and Death.

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Tubbo got back home. It was already one in the evening.

He runned around the house, calling Ranboo, but couldn't find him anywhere. Until he entered the kitchen.

Ranboo had just ended placing everything at the table, "Welcome back, Tubbo."

"Wow..." he looked in shock at the food. "Did you do all of this?"

"Yeah. I found a notebook with some recipes and I thought I should try baking something. You have helped me so much; you go to work every day and still do everything here, so this was the least I could-- Oh--" he stopped, feeling Tubbo hug him. "Okay."

"Thank you. But you didn't need to."

"I did, Tubbo. It's the least I could do to thank you for everything. Now let's eat before the food gets cold."

They sat down at the table and Ranboo served the food.

"How long did this take you?"

"About two hours."

"And why are you using a bandage?"

"I burned myself...four times."


"Don't even try. Everyone goes through these little accidents, right? I am no different."

Tubbo sighed, "Alright."

They ate. And even though Tubbo was thinking about telling Ranboo everything tasted good even if it didn't, he didn't need to lie, because the food was legitimately good.

"Have you been practicing your cooking skills while I'm out or something?"

"Not really. I just followed the recipes."

"It's still impressive. Wait, I just remembered this; how did you learn how to read?"

"I don't remember actually. I just know that I know how to read and write since...ever."

"Do you not remember absolutely anything from your childhood?"

"No, nothing."

"Do you remember having any accident that might've made you lost your memories?"

"No. I don't remember anything until my twelve years. I don't even know how I remember my name, age and species."

"I see..."

"Hey, Tubbo. I know we've mentioned this before, but I'm truly curious about what is inside of the locked room. I can see it's something personal, and I don't ask you to open it or anything, but could you, at least, tell me why it's locked?"

Tubbo sighed, "It fathers' room."

"Oh... That makes sense."

"After their death I spent a whole week there. Philza, his wife and Eret had to come here every day to make sure I ate something. After they managed to take me out of there, I decided to lock the door and not come back in for a while. I haven't got inside since I locked it."

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