Chapter V - The whole truth

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S: The truth hurts, but lies kill.

Is it better to live happily in oblivion or depressed within reality?


This chapter contains: Death, Murder and Attempted murder.

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"Your Majesty," George approached the king.

"Who died now, Not Found?" the king asked, annoyed.

"Ex-Duke Eret."

"What!?" he turned around. "How!?"

"The church killed them."

"They accused them of being a demon!?"

"Actually, no."

"Then how and why did they kill them?"

"Witchcraft. Hanged in the gallow."

"...No. They wouldn't... I declared years ago that witchcraft wasn't a crime! No human being can be killed by the church!"

"I know, Your Majesty, but it seems like HBomb didn't considerate your orders."

"What about the royal guards!? Why didn't they do anything!?"

"I'm afraid to be unable of giving you an answer, My King."

"Those bastards... How dare they kill someone who once belonged to the court!? How dare they go against their king!? I want you to bring them here now!"

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

He bowed and left.

*   *   *

Tubbo stared, numb, at one of the walls of the living room. He had dry tears all over his face.

"Don't worry about it, Ranboo," Philza's voice could be heard close to the house's entry. "I'll take Aimsey to our house. Just help Tubbo, alright?"

"Thank you, Mr. Minecraft."

"No worries." And so, he left.

Ranboo walked towards Tubbo; he himself was trying to hold his tears back.

"Hey, Tubbo," he knelt in front of him. "You should eat something."

No reaction. He knew Tubbo wasn't hungry. He was tired and emotionless. And there was nothing anyone could do about it.

Ranboo stayed with Tubbo until the boy fell asleep, and then took him to his bedroom. He decided to stay there, falling asleep too, on the floor, by the edge of Tubbo's bed.

After what happened to Eret. Karl took Tubbo and Aimsey away from the market and tried to calm them down. He told Sapnap to get Philza to help, because he knew the man would know what to do.

Sapnap went to talk, in the next day, with the royal guards.

"We had no fault!" Foolish, a royal guard, stated. "What did you want us to do? Arrest the priest?"

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