Chapter VII - The Light after the Storm

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S: Nothing bad lasts forever.

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"Papa, papa!" a little child with pink hair and a white and green streak runned through the house. "Look what uncle Tommy gave me!"

"What is it, sweetie?"

"It's a snow globe! It has snow!"

"That's so cool! Did you enjoy spending the day with uncle Tommy?"

"Yeah, he's almost as cool as uncle Techno!"

Someone laughed. It was Technoblade. Tommy looked at him, annoyed, "One day I'll surpass you."

"Keep dreaming, child."

"Thank you both for taking care of him."

"No problem, Tubbo."

Two other men walked inside the house.

"Did we come at a bad time?" one of them asked.

"Grandpa Karl!" The child runned to his arms and he picked him up, spinning around with him.

"I also exist." Sapnap spoke.

"Sorry, grandpa Sapnap." Sapnap approached and kissed his forehead, he giggled.

"How have you been?" Karl asked.

"I had a lot of fun today!"

"Really? That's great. Let's go outside and you can tell me everything about your day, alright?"

"Yeah! Let's go!"

They walked outside and Sapnap walked closer to Tubbo, "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah. How was the voyage?"

"It all went well. But Karl missed Michael a lot."

"And so did Michael."

"Guys, not to try to ruin the moment, but we have things to do," Tommy said.

"I must agree with the child," Technoblade spoke. "If you want to inaugurate the store today, then we better start walking."

"You're right," Tubbo agreed.

They walked outside and called Karl and Michael.

In these last years, the Gray Market, the town, and the kingdom in general had changed a lot. Day by day, more and more supernatural creatures started joining the kingdom, and more people started accepting them. The royal guards started punishing those who broke the law and stopped spending their days in bars and pubs.

Tubbo and Aimsey had worked for over two years to create a bookstore where they could sell books with information about the non-human creatures that started arriving at the kingdom.

Tubbo had made long voyages to learn the stories of others who, like Ranboo, Badboyhalo, Skeppy and Eret, had been killed for being different than what society intended them to be. He wrote a book to tell their stories, and sold it across the world.

He made the decision of changing the world, even if he couldn't do much alone. Because if everyone tried to do something, there would be a big change.

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