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It's been about 5 days since the dinner. Simone is putting a little groceries in the trunk as her phone is buzzing in her pocket with a call from Laura.

"Hey Mrs. Baker!" Simone says as she gets into the car and shuts the door. "Hey Simone! So... the wedding is getting closer and you still haven't sent me the final playlist or the pic of your dress." Laura says over the phone. "I'm sorry it's been a hectic last few days but once I'm settled into the apartment in a minute I'll handle everything." Simone responds as she puts her seatbelt on and switches the call to Bluetooth. "Thanks Simone!" Laura says and hangs up the phone.

Before Simone is even all the way out of the parking lot she gets a call from Shay's adoptive dad. "Hey Tariq! Is everything okay?" "Simone there's a dude here asking to see Shay. He says he knows you. His name is Dave?" Tariq responds confused. "Damnit Dane. I'm on my way over I'll see you in a minute." Simone hangs up and starts her drive.

Simone finally pulls up to Tariq and his wife's house where Dane is waiting on the steps.

"What the hell is your deal Dane?" Simone says as she gets out of her car and heads towards Dane. "Simone I told you I wanna be in Shay's life and you can't stop me." He says. "Yes I can and I most definitely will. You think your sorry ass can just pop up making demands like you run shit? News flash you can't so go back to wherever the hell you came from and leave me and my son alone." Simone says hoping that the message is clear.

Dane is silent as he stares at the ground. "Silent good. Now leave and stop harassing me and the other people in Shay's life. Or trust me you will regret it." Simone says and gets back into her car as she watches Dane walk away.

Once Simone is back at home she walks back into the apartment to see Jordan waiting on the couch with champagne and flowers.

"What's the occasion?" Simone says smiling. "No occasion. Just wanted to let you know how much I love you." Jordan says and proceeds to kiss Simone. "I talked to the building manager and he agreed to let us have the rooftop spot for the night. "After what just happened I need a relaxing night." She says holding his hand. "What happened babe?" He asks concerned. "Some mess with Dane. But it's over now and all I wanna think about is our beautiful night that you have planned." She says with a smile. "Okay but fill me in later." She nods and they exit the apartment and head up to the roof.

A little later that night Spencer and Olivia are sitting in the back of their house enjoying a nice dinner.

"So how did the gym go today?" Liv asks her husband who's mouth is full with steak. "It was good." Spencer responds. The two could go on and on about their day with each other. They make sure to do it every night despite how tired they are after their long days. Spencer looks over at their hot tub. "You know we've been here for a minute now and have yet to use that." He says. "I could run upstairs and grab our bathing suits?" Liv suggests. "Who says we need suits?" Spencer says smirking. Liv raises her eyebrow and smiles as well. "Well... I dare you to get in first." She responds with a smile.

Spencer gets out of his seat and begins to remove his shirt and throws it to the side. "You not gonna turn around?" He asks her still smirking. she shakes her head no sitting back in her chair taking in the view with the smile still not gone from her face. Once done Spencer turns around and hops in and signals for Liv to join him. Once they both are finally in they kiss as the moonlight shines above them.

Meanwhile as the couple enjoys their time together. Upstairs is Asher Adams looking for dirt on the two to use for his and Layla's show. In a rush Asher is about to get ready to sneak out as his search is failing... then he stumbles across a Polaroid photo of Jordan, Simone, Spencer and Olivia at Jordan and Simone's small intimate wedding. He grabs the picture and rushes out the home through the front.

To be continued...

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