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(HC season 9 this takes place during the time of mumbo's month leave)

Grian's POV
"And we'll continue adding the the 'entity' next episode and a farewell and goooooodbye!"

*ends recording*

"Whew. Now all I got to do is edit for the next 2-3 days hehe" Grian says as he's organizing his inventory

"Maybe I should check on the copper around mumbo's vault? Yea, it's probably done oxidizing by now." he walks over to mumbo's vault and starts taking down his copper
"Andddd done! Whew that was a lot of copper I didn't think it was that much?"
He looks over to mumbo's vault
"Agh! I really want to see what's inside his vault! " he thinks for a minute <wait? Since he's gone maybeeee I could break in I'll put the blocks back before he comes back! Hehe I'm so smart!>
He breaks the blocks and opens the vault he looks down the giant hole that leads to the bottom he notices that there's water he jumps down and walks down a hallway with a gigantic room at the end he takes a peek and sees a glass wall and behind was a variety of ores
"Wow mumbo must do a Lot of mining for all that." He looks next to it and sees a bubble elevator "Hmm wonder where that leads to?" He look further down the room and sees a wall full of computer screens he walks over to it and looks closely
On the scattered screens on the wall he sees his videos playing on some and some seem to be cameras placed around the server all pointing to grian's structures
"W-what is this?!" he says in a nervous and shaky tone
He walk to the panel on the wall and starts pressing buttons (as he does) and the camera views change back and forth between angles he notices one particular pointed to his chests and his bed
"Why does mumbo have all this? Why is he stalking me?!" He says in a shaky and scared tone as tears start streaming down his face

"Because I need to." A mysterious voice says behind him. Grian, now in terror slowly turns around and sees Mumbo standing behind him crossing his arms with a monotone looking face.

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