Grian X?...

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And what shocked up to the core..

Tall statues, covered it vines with amethyst chains flowing out of there chests

With a walk way leading to a pedestal holding a crystal box

"Do you think that's it?" I say pointing towards the box

"I believe so but be careful there might be traps." Scar says

I walk down the walk way, stepping lightly as to not trigger any hidden button or trap

Step after step, I walk on one of the bricks as it presses down, once I realized I quickly jump to the side out of the way as 10 arrows shoot at the brick and the bricks surrounding it.

"Jeez that was close." I say taking a sigh of relief

"Be careful Mumbo!" Scar yells sarcastically

"No duh! Not my fault there's traps!"

I continue on the bricks trying to watch my step before I step on another

I look around, as skeletons with arrows all lined against the walls, bows at the ready

"Shit." I say as I quickly run along the brick path

Stepping on loose bricks along the way, summoning more and more skeletons

"Jesus how many are there?!!" I scream while still sprinting

"Use this!" Scar says from behind me as he throws me his shield

I quickly catch it, blocking as many arrows as I can

Arrows surrounding me, trying my best to hold them off.

Until. One of the arrows gets me in my leg

"Gah! God that hurt!" I say, still struggling to make it to the end of this long path

I get shot again but this time in my shoulder

"Gah! Again!?" I quickly get to the end and see a button I press it to make these stupid skeletons stop.
They unload there bows and retract into the wall as I fall to the ground.

"Mumbo! Are you okay!?" Scar says worriedly

"Yea" I wince "I'm fine I'll survive"

I struggle to stand to my feet
I struggle walking over to the pedestal
"Moment of truth." I say as I open the box

I stood there stunned.

"Mumbo? What is it?"


"Mumbo?" Scar says flying over to him trying hard to not get hit by the ceiling

"Mumbo?" He says putting him hand on my shoulder.

He looks at me, as I look at him.
"You alright?"

I pick up the box and show him.

A singular paper.

"We're to late." I mumbled as scar picks up the paper and reads it off

"Trying to save your friend I see, well good luck trying to find what you need. You'll never find it anywhere you'll think of. He's under my control now. Don't get in my way." - Signed Grian X

"Grian X?...."

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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