Sounds Of Nature

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Graveyard flowers. The smell of the dead. The faded colors around. The black and grey sky. It was so gloomy and eerie. It was strange place. I walk around to explore my foot hits something a mahogany colored casket on the ground infront of me.

The noise came from the casket. I walked over to the mahogany colored box and opened it....

*beep* *beep* *beep*

"Huh?" I wake up to the sound of my alarm

That's so weird..what was in the casket?

I grab my stuff and walk out the door

Well ignoring what my dream was, what should I do today? I should go collect resources for my house. Yea I should do that. I'm gonna invite Mumbo!

I smile to myself as I walk to Mumbo's

I walk inside to Mumbo's house and I see him making mushroom stew 🍲

"Whatcha making?" Hovering over his shoulder with a smile

"Gah! Oh Grian phew you scared me." He say with a nervous laugh

I let out a little laugh "sorry, not sorry"

Mumbo smiles "so what do I owe the pleasure?"

I smile and blush a little "I wanted to see if you wanted to go mining for a little bit with me?"

"Yea sure lemme finish up and grab my stuff"


We walk towards a mountain with caves all over

We mine for hours before night hits and we set up base we go to sleep and wake the next morning

I wake up early and go exploring for food for us

I run into a few cows and slice them up and cook em

As I'm cooking I look down at the bracelet and it's glowing again
"Why's it glowing?" I touch it and I spiral to the floor lavender purple and flamingo pink memories flick like a movie again but I see a certain memory of me and Mumbo building with diamonds and other ores together, then it flicks to another when me and Mumbo are in the forest with cookies and fires around. Several other memories play I begin to pass out due to all memories flooding my head like a tsunami

I pass out to the floor with the sun shining on me and being surrounded by flowers trees and grass with the sounds of nature.

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