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Grian and Mumbo broke the hug as Grian wipes his tears "Can I ask you something Mumbo? You have to answer truthfully."

"Go ahead."

"Why are you keeping tabs on me? Why do you have all that down in your vault?" Grian said in a curious but worried tone

". *Sigh* I guess I have to tell you, remember when you fell down your through your bridge and you kept screaming that you were going to die but you didn't and then you blacked out?"

"Yea?" He said confuzeled

"Well what happened was you subconsciously switched with your past lives."

"What? That's not possible?! Is it?"

"It's is.. and you have the power to do it. You have memories connected to your other life.. and I've been keeping tabs on you so nothing bad happens or worst.. "

"I don't know how to feel about this. I mean your saying I can see my past and future with my past lives.. how did you know I could do this? How did I get these powers? What's gonna happen to me?" Grian started spiraling to the point he was having a panic attack

"Grain its ok! I'm here!" Mumbo says put Grians hand on his heart "ok look at me take a deep breath in 1 2 3." He takes a deep breath with Mumbo "good now exhale in 3 2 1" he exhaled with Mumbo "good good now keep doing that I'm right here." He eventually calmed down Mumbo pulled him in for a hug and held the small man in his arms. "Are you ok now grian?" Mumbo says in a calm but worried tone

"Yea I'm fine, just uh a lot of information to handle..." he says wiping his tears "but how did you know I can do that? I didn't even know I could do that?!"

Mumbo paused "I don't exactly know how I found out but I know that you have them because you've used them without realizing it."

"Without me knowing? Is that possible?"

"I suppose so, it's something to do with the rife I have a hunch that because you uncovered it gifted you that power"

"Woah. That's a lot to take in.. " Grian paused "so what do we do now that I know this?"

"Well we do what we normally do. But I'll continue to monitor it so nothing goes bad." Mumbo said with a smile

Grian gave him a soft smile "I think I'll be ok with that."

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