Guelph, Ontario      June 24th   11:40pm 

It was last day of junior year. Reasonability isn't on anyone minds, more so people were excited over the fact that it just the last day of being in a classroom for the next two mouths. Until late-August comes around again. 

I was in the back of the classroom, like always, doing it was that I had on my mind. Doodle the most ugly drawings, playing on my phone, or sticking around watching the movie. There's wasn't to do when your close to jocks. Sometimess you can hear their conversations from an cross the room. The best thing to do was ignore them. 



"Hey Linux! I heard you don't have your skills yet!" Everyone laughed after Chris yelled it out. I just sighed and ignore, moved on to the busses that were being loaded. But before getting to the doors, Chris had push me, to the ground on the hot concrete. I wearing a sweater underneath an white bottom shirt that had the sleeves rolled up. On which when hitting the concrete with my bare arm, my skin was bleeding. Skinned to the elbow to the upper part of the shoulder. I realize when I got up when my knee was bleeding  like my elbow was. It nothing like my elbow. The teachers tried to help him, taking me to nurse office to fix me up. I refused and run instead. 

Running down an road, helding into the city. The grade schools' busses were going out already when happening. When I got to corner of the street, I saw Mr.Gatsby's art workshop that he used for his classes. I ran all way down to the hill and went there. I quietly went into the his workshop for safely, I tried to hide my skinned arm. I don't want for Mr.Gatsby for being concerned and call my parents. Since we were all knew each other, being that he part of the royally content. Not family, since we all not related. 

One of his students were cleaning the paint brushes, since the semester was ending for his classes. Until it opens in for the summer class in late May. Mr.Gatsby was coming through the big doors, his student didn't really talk to me or come near to me. 

"Linux? Are you supposed to on the bus?" Mr.Gatsby was confused. 

"Yea. But Chris....h-he." I didn't want to tell him what happened. Because the last time I told someone about me and Chris having an feud, Chris had gotten more mad about me snitching. 

"What Chris do is time?" Mr.Gatsby asked with his eyebrows concerned. He was someone easy to tell someone's expressions. 

"Nothing, nothing. Just I decide to walk home instead." Brushing my skinned elbow and rip pants with the skinned knee as an accident. Mr.Gatsby had look there, and saw that. "You and Chris had gotten into fight again?" When Mr.Gatsby said is when my hands started to shake. 

"No! I had fell. Just fallen on the concrete at school. I was busy with an computer and trying to fix it. I didn't look where I was going." I felt my heart rate going up and I began to turn red. 

"Well still. I'm sending you to Mrs.Patterson, she know how to treat your wounds." And I knew it. I was in the waiting room to see her. Regardless what I do, I still have to seek some kind of help. Mrs.Patterson had water both of the wounds first, then putting some kind of first-aid cream on. I played attention during the process, making sure I wasn't going to die of my bleeding. After putting the cream on, she white some kind of white material on which stick to the wound, then lastly putting an cover on it. It was blue which match my sweater that I wearing that day.


I was finally home, my roommate, Alan, had move out to another room of his own. I had the room to myself now, and feeling lonely. When Lily, the goddess of her garden and always dress in green, had come in I expressed my feeling of not belonging with everyone. 

"Lily, do you have any idea on why they treat me differently today? Me and Chris friendship didn't last until the summer end." I was confused on what I meant. Like me and Chris were fighting because that what boys did, I guess. He invited to his party's and signed all my yearbooks. I didn't understand his change. Lily had given me one her side looks. 

"I don't know Linux." Lily said as she took Alan's vine plants he had hanging on his walls. I'm going to miss that. Which got me to thinking about what Chris had said. About my magic development. I was worried about if I didn't receive one. "What I don't receive my magic? You know what I mean?" 

Lily pulled her hand closed. "Well. That's complicated. Since we didn't have that situation, but in case we do, we have to send you off." Lily was easy to have an conversation with, telling you up font and truthfully about her experiences. She walked up to me, and put her hand on my back, and lend down. "Don't worry, you will eventually find out. It just take time." She went back to the cart and moved it out. 

The other half of the room being completely white now. I rub my face with my right arm. My lefted arm hurts everytime I tired to move it.  There was no words to explain. I had walked to balcony that Alan had used for his reading, I wasn't surprise that he got his father's library. But I know for one fact that I wasn't going get an art role, all of them got taken and I do it for fun. I'm not hardcore artist. Not an good one if you asked me. 

I look into the night sky. "No stars out tonight." I thought to myself. I quickly got my notebook and come back to balcony, I wrote what the moon phase was for the night. My father did that for a living, and did a lot of mythology and astrology too. I also looked of an shooting star, since that how my father knew that he would gain his. Once Leo, the first one to gain his role in freshman year, I started to looking for it. There's was no sign of it, until has I was going back. I saw the shooting star in the reflection of the mirror. Has my hope was going away, once there and turning around and seeing it twinkle in the night sky. 

I grabbed my jacket, and put on my boots. "I don't think anyone would notice that I'm gone would they?" I thought to myself. So I quietly rip a piece of paper and wrote an note. Saying that I'm far gone discovering myself on who I am. As they don't worry about me. 

I took my school bag, as it was an one shoulder backpack, and carried my notebook with me. I didn't know why, but who's know. 

First thing to do was getting done there, seeing that the lemon party was happening tonight, it wouldn't be the best option to go down the stairs. Plus, I get off guard, and sent back upstairs. It was those balls that it was only the ones that gotted invited. So the best thing to do was go down from the balcony. It's easier to escape and it's near the hiking trail that I can take. I wouldn't mind my arm hurting I didn't care is point. So I used an rope to guide myself getting down. Then once down, I make an run for the trail. I noticed that the star was getting closer when I went on the trail. I was on the right path, I just need to walk on it.


Once on the trail, I could feel the breeze. The trail was something to guide some folks on what their gift was. Hints that are supposed to point out what you might play in an role in. Sometimes it got darker when get close to the circle. 

I ran into with my first hint, it was an pentagram that was draw with white ink. It was next an black Cadillac 16 that come out in 1930s. It odd one, since hints aren't usual that big. Their like the simplest things like napkins or specific pattern. Next one was an other strange one, pieces of fabric that was bloody and torn  apart. Brown and yellow. But their something similar to that, being the orange fur, that felt like actual fur that you would see on an fox. I kept the fur since, to hopefully to compare it whatever was going on. The last one was an suit of an bear and an decomped yellow bunny suit. It so similar to Freddy and Spring Bonnie that one place I wasn't allow to visit, I don't know why. But the Cadillac 16, the pentagram, the pieces of random fabric, it didn't make sense. I understood the suits, maybe I will have to fight robots in an battle of an death. 

I got to the circle after all that. The star was gone. "Was not for me? Or did I miss my shot?" I worried and looked around my atmosphere. I took an step on the circle. It was turing the light blue, and stepped fully on it, allowing it to do it's thing. 

                                                                            End of Chapter 1

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