I got some the acid on my finger. I exam it. It didn't look familiar to me.

"What did you think it is?" An voixe extremely different from Droopers and Fleegles. Am high pich one, with same kind of accent of Drooper's, sourthen dawl.

"Bingo?!" Fleegle had recruited Bingo and gave an hug. Bingo didn't gave one back and I looked. They were friends, which could be told by the show itself, but happy to back to normal stuffs.

"Oh Flee! Where's Droop and Snorks?" Bingo asked. Bingo seem to have nicknames for all of the Splits.

Back as the Splits were getting back together, two other people. It appear to be an mother and older son, could tell by the beanie. I wore those like crazy, it only hats that looked good with the haircut I got. Which was the same as the older son, Austin. The only difference being my hair was some what like longer, naturally white like my father, and the curves being on the left side.

They seem shocked to find out that the Splits had turn good again. Into the same spirit like characters. Though Willys and Friends and The Banana Splits were only visible by the human eye.

"Listen Bingo I don't know where Snorky is. He ran off somewhere and I need to find him." And I still needed to find the key. The saw was like the lollipop, was turn into pages of history. But first come this mother, who was looking for someone.

"Are you looking for someone?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm looking for my son." She said. I hold both her hands. "I promised  that I'll find him." I promised, and senses were coming together. So I follow them. It first lend to Karl's office area again. Karl was now in the cage. I didn't speak an word and just made eye contact with him. Then leading myself to an dark shallow hallways, going down leading to an big warehouse area. Three kids.

"It's Snorky. He different." I ran over to the kid, pack him over to the other two that were at the door on which I put him down.

"Sorry kid. I got bring to your mom. She's worried." I explain and I took an copy of the birtjday and stab Snorky in the chest cavity, right way the heart was. The kid screamed and he went ovs to Snorky's body.

I felt bad for runing this monument. His new find friends comfortly him during this time of sorrow over an character.

But then it lighted an dark grey, which mixed in with the yellow that shing off of the lights outside.


Back in the studio, Drooper had surpise Paige by chasing her down the hallways. When I came back with the kids, we all heard Paige's screamed from the Sloppy Time set.

"Drooper! Your not suppose to scare people!" Fleegle said. Drooper laughed, doing as some kind of prank.

Harley had hugged his mother, Beth rubbed through his hair. Thank god that he was safe. Austin helping Paige up from the ballpit.

Thadd and Poppy were on the sitting down, drinking water. Johannan had been pacing around talking to the show producer, Rebecca, about how Parker would be good fot on other shows. Parker had experssed concerneds about not wanting to act anymore.

I patted on his back. "Its okay. She would do better if she into it. You can't force it." and he stopped talking.

When I going though Karl's office to get him, I heard noise from the bolier room. "Are you sure that their nothing going on down there? Becasue I want to check." I asked.

Karl just laughed. "The show must go on." I gave him an stare again, and let go of his shoulder. I moces the stuff that was in the way, getting over to two doors and open them. Before going down there I grabbed an wreck, and the hammer that supposed be taken back to Props once done. The hammer wasn't done just yet.

"Go with Stevie. Meet me outside with the others." I said to Karl once seeing Stevie.

Stevie was with someone else. I only got an few mintuies of an her appearance. She had the same dirty blond hair that Stevie had, same facial freatures. It was Bella.


I went down an long shallow red and black hallway. Their was some kind of matieal hanging down from. Lights flicking as I moved fast as I can to get to the screams of little kids yeling for help. But as such, I spilp on some blood. Once looking at my side, seeing an dead man. Two drum sticks in his eyes, crashing through his glasses. It was the other audience from this evening. I began to feel ashamed, since my job here was to protect the people from all is from happening.

When my flashlight pointed, revealed more people, mosty the adults, that were dead. I can't---- I felt more guilt.

I have to save those kids. I have come up with an plan on where they going to go. But now, was only getting those kids. And Andy. Since I remember the broken window of the office of the vice president of network.

I opened the gate that had an lock's chaind on it with the weck. Twisting it, to break them. But it wasn't working. I was getting sick in the room, being it was hot.

Then, using the force of my hand like an dumbass thinking I have Harry Potter level of shit, the chains became to froze, then magical break. I wonder on how I did that while all the kids. I also thought if I should just let Andy die here. Yea, what he did what stupid and could all avoided with him not making the descions publicity to Rebecca on where the Splits can hear it. But I do feel like giving him an second chance to make things right.

I pulled the cutairn opened. Andy on an wheel, which was similar to the wheel of endings. Both of his hands and feet were hammered down, making them bloodly. His face was bleeding too.

"Please....please get me down." Andy bagged. I got the weck again. I started with his feet since it was easier to get too. "Listen, is going to hurt. So don't been complaining if you-" I pulled the first one off. Andy screamed, and he did that for all of them.

I helped throught out the trip back. Andy just thanked me, with the lost of breath. I looked at the bodys again. Feeling more guilt.


I was still feeling sick as ever. Even with the night's evening breeze. It wasn't enough.

I needed some rest, from the looks of it.

"You okay?" Bella asked me. She was the opposite of Stevie. An sweetheart to people she meant.

"Yes,yes. Just tired." I said and Mercy had come back. He also seem concerned. "Listen pal I got good news, was able to get into contact with Leo. He said that you can stay the night at his house if you need too." Mercy explained.

"Alright." I walked all the way back to my bike. The police were all around, I refuse to talk about the case. And didn't find the key u til Fleegle gave to me. He and the Splits were going caughing an train along rideing thier banana buggy boat to get across the ocean.


I rode my bike to Leo's home. It was nice. Especially for someone that had been the class of this year. Starting the business when coronation is over.

I opened the door, started to feel like I'm going to throw up. Leo raned. He helped me to the sofa, getting an bucket for the puke so it dosen't get on my shoes and everything.

Leo turn the air condition up to colorer levels. I felt better then crying.

"I'm sorry Leo. But I people did died. I wish I could how stop it." I said. Leo was speechless, not able to process what I said.

                 End of Chatper 6

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