It went to an lighter blue. The portal opened up and I quickly push myself to stay off it. Lading on my back, not hurting arm. An flying creature comes out of the portal, an  huge muscular flying wolf. It quickly heading towards me and I get up. It took me by the shrit and I riding on it's back. I realize on what it was, an Pterolykos. Something rare and only exist in mythology. But, to get back what I was saying, another portal open was telepotion now, and quickly flew me with it. I try to control it like I did when riding an horse, since that would be the best way to do it. 

But it didn't like it as much when I pulled the fur. So then eventually crashing into an sign. On again I crashed back first, the Pterolykos just giving me an sassy noise, not making eye contract with me at all. I gave him an scare that I give when I'm furious. 

I got back up and looked at the sign, it was daylight so I could read it fully. "Haysville". Meanwhile, the Pterolykos was examine me over. Sniffing every trait I have, I let out my hand for it to lick. It was the only way people could tell if it trust was there. On which the lick felt like the texture of an hairbrush, since they have cat-like instincts. I petted it on the cheek and said to it, "I wonder where going stay. I believe we might have to stay about an week."  it made an purr and wine sound. One of the wings had drop. I got on since it was only source of mobility that I had. On which we walk for an while until once getting to looks like an adonaded city, I got off and the Pterolykos flew off. I question or not on why if flew away, but I guess to say is not looking weird in the town. You don't seen an flying wolf in everyday life. 


I went into what look to be an car repair shop. An old ATM that had an "Out of Order" sign on it, an board filled with missing people posters all over it, then the big space for working on cars and trucks. I look for an bell, to see if I call them in over, but the older guy, wearing an brown cowboy hat come over. 

"What you rich folks doing over here?" He said. 

"Umm... I'm looking for an place to stay. I got lost and it was nearest place that I can find." I said nervously. 

"There no places to stay in Haysville. Everything shut down here," he was thinking about his words then he light up, "However there one place you can stay---"

"That's great! I knew that their was trailers place around." I didn't mind an trailer, I normally use to small places, hence that I halfted an room that mostly taken up by Alan's books. 

"I'm not talking about those. I'm talking you spending the night at Willy's. You might have to clean hear and there, but it's better than nothing." He said, then pulling an call. I didn't heard what he said, since I was mostly checking out the missing persons poster that all have the same dates or days that followed each other. I wanted to ask to take some of the poster myself. but I hesitated on the idea. 


After an few minutes of driving, Jed, was taking to Sheriff of the town as she was going to work. Saying that I need any help to call the office, on which we both agree upon. 

"So how long you think your staying?" Jed asked. I wasn't really sure when. "I have no idea,sir. Maybe for couple days, just when my ride gets here I guess." I wanted to nice to man, and respect him. He was an nice enough to offer me an place to stay the week in. 

Once getting to Willy's Wonderland, as he calls it, there was an other man there waiting. He was also wearing an cowboy hat, but his was white, heck everything he wore was white. His suit, his button up shirt (though it had an pattern on it) and an enertal green color for the tie pin. He was turning grey in his hair because of turning old, and his mustache was turning grey too. 

"Welcome there partner. The name is Tex Mcadoo, same as the state." He proudly inducle himself. We both have an fully hand shake. "I heard that you're looking for an place to stay, I give an tour of the place." Tex has said as he walk through the doors. 

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