I laughed. "Walking? Maybe we should rend an bike or something?" I suggested. On which in reposed from Mercy, gave me an disgusted look. 

"Now if you want to be successful, you have to learn to walk long distance." I ignore Mercy's advice and rented an bike. I get on and have the GPS on. Mercy cringe on the fact. 

"You can't do that! If you want to be an Wise Men then you got to read an map!" Mercy chased, I contuied to play along with my normal ways. 


Mercy had chased me on my side, trying to give me advice that are the traditional ways of the Wise Men used for century's. Really I didn't care about the maps since their confusing to look at, I failed Social Studies for one reason. The two lines and their degrees. Before I got to enter Taft Studios, I went through Mercy when he was trying to explain. He had given up at this point, so he lefted. I don't know where he went. I just contuied. 

I slowed down when getting to entry way. 

"Welcome to Taft Studios." He said and I gave him my ID that I receive one day. It was only my driver's license, on which I didn't know it count.  He let though the gates. I look at my ticket. 'The Banana Splits Show', on which Willy had given me. I had asked on where I could see it.

"That's in Stage 12, it's in the back corner of the studio lot. I don't think we any parking spaces for the bike. Unless you want to walk or something." I looked at his name tag, Sal. I noted is now quicky as recognize the name and looks of things. 

"Alright, I walk then, as make sure it's safe. It's an rented bike, I don't----" I cut myself as an golf cub rolls up behind me. Instead I put the bike next to the entry, and walked over the gates. I gave him an salute goodbye, Sal giving me an nod back, then talking to next person. 


I walked for almost an mile in the chilling evening, wishing I gotted an jacket to stay warm. Mercy had come back, and had an smile on his face. "Happy now?" I said annoyed. Mercy clapped his paws, "Oh yes I'm am!, Your starting to learn finally!" I rolled my eyes and just contuied to walk. 

I made my way to actually line itself. I count every single guest that was there. So of them were in groups of two, four, or possible three. No 5's and 6's. Once the two audience pages comes out, everyone excited and let down by the fact they come into seeing the show because of whatever reason. Yea, she did asked for my phone, on which I didn't have because of keeping with my bike. She questioned my answer and walked away, still looking suspicious. I made eye contact once leaving, though she was looking at some other boy, who try to flint with her when giving his phone. Asking to put an number in it. It was an cheesy joke, but still funny on how she took it. 

I took my seat once inside, I didn't know why I was here. What does an kid show have to do with my gift. I figured I'll just go ahead to go backstage before the show starts to compare the fabrics. On how it might have to do with that. And it simply worked for Willy's and so it must work here. Right? 

I used the excuse that I was just taking an bathroom break. Some guy, I believe the same one who flinted with the audience page, had gotted the same idea.  But he got caught. I didn't. 

When doing the work, the programmer Karl, had let me do my business and compare the two. As with Willy they matched. Nothing happened this time, expected when Stevie saw me, he offered me an drink. I agreed, since drinking wasn't really an big deal at my age. Chris at his party would have the key to the liquor cabinet, and we would play drinking games on late nights watching god knows what context we can get our hands on.  They were all pretty chilled with me having to be backstage, it was weird before is whole thing started. I had it in the back of head.

That hiding over near some of the props for Snorky's Ciruis, overhearing an convestion about the show being cancelled for no reason. All it was, was the "this shits too stupid, I'm doing something" mentally. Which I find that to be stupid itself. Once done with hiding, on closer exemption, seeing Drooper's eyes glowing red. I ignore this fact and just wanting to get answers to see what was going on. 


After all the laughs and many drinks was whiskey, Paige, on which I find out was her name, had slammed open the door. 

"Stevie are you drunk?" Paige asked. 

"No I'm buzzed. After is one I'll been drunk." Stevie was getting another one, then tapping the middle of the small shot glass. I was caging the last few slips of my bottle. 

"Their waiting for you for the next scene." Paige and Stevie have is unless argument about something. Stevie has enough on when someone joins in, telling them to tell an Rebecca person that he would there on like he also does, then slamming in their faces. He wasn't really lying about the attendance, being the employee of the mouth for several years that The Banana Splits were running. Always coming in and doing his job, having an award on his makeup desk that never been used once. 

"What's the makeup desk for?" I asked. Stevie looked at me, he sighed. 

"Use to have an twin sister who worked with me on the show. But she had moved shows, they replace her character with an newbie that Karl was in the making." He explained as he got his golden suit on the sofa. His tone sounded off, he more like someone else then his angeryed stuff. More natural calmed. On which I eventually find out her stage name was Susie, her actually name being Bella, Stevie actually name had been close, Bryan. She was the sister of Stevie that visited the Splits along with Stevie. And weirdly enough, Stevie was happy working at his job, looking forward to new tapes. But once Bella was moved, Stevie's personally shifted. He couldn't do his job unless their was an buddy, so with is, his personally turned. Though it wasn't really important to what was going on, I thought I would bring is up, as an interesting note. 

"Do you know where she gone to now?" Stevie didn't have time to answer my questions, he had lefted already. As he thought he didn't by the broken glass on the floor, and lights being turned off except for his mirror. The music was still playing in the background, and I thought it was an perfect time to look more. 

My eyes glows blue. My vision changes, and the lollipop was something that stand out to me. I go over to it, having the book in my bag that I carried im with me. Just like what happed with the animatronics at Willys, it turned into pages. But thier note saying that I needed to collect only about two more items. An saw and key. Key was confusing, expecting for locking the book, but I lower that.

I could hear the show from here. I waited at Stevie's dressing room and janior closet door. I didn't want to infer with any of his stuff when he gone, and walked down the hall. I saw an blood trail. The broken glass window that was huge. I follow on where the blood trail lead to. It lead all the way into Karl's area. He was in the corner, covering his finger. I went to him, to get an closer examination.

"What happened?" I asked hurshly looking at his finger from the palm of my hand. Karl shaked. He didn't know how to explain what had happened.


                End of Chatper 4

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